Author: Masticina Akicta
Date: 30 July 2020
The World has changed
A few months ago I wrote the first version of this blog post but I didn’t post it. And now a lot has changed. By now it is obvious that the world has changed, and a new hopefully temporal normal exists. One that has a virus going round and things closed off and opening again. Depending where you life the world might have changed quite a bit.
I am lucky enough that here things are half open. With adjustments and extra rules things have been made possible again. But no big events, no parties, limited travel and so on. This has been quite an issue for many of us psychic vampires.
My usual diet was train rides, free floating energy, filtered and treated then the muck was send into earth. After I was done in a busy train-station or train the energy was a lot cleaner.
But with travel limited and even now it is allowed it isn’t suggested to do so. Sure now it is open, partly, but for quite a few months I had no feeding grounds. And that wasn’t great.
Yes the limitation on travel on itself sucked, but not even having a good ground to feed was worse.
Being adaptable I made a few adjustments. The new rules meant that an electric bike suddenly was a really good idea. It wasn’t cheap I tell you but it can get you far and still decently fresh. And being out there in nature for a while has given me some kind of food-light. Natural energy, it isn’t as nice as human energy, but it works for now.
But that is me, lets talk about Donors!
A Donors needs
As the disease is still on every bodies minds we have to get to the reality that for sanguinary vampires things got a lot worse. No travel, and donors that also need their blood/energy to retain health. In short, things are running dry for many vampires.
And donors needs as always should be kept in mind.
As pointed out the travel limitations will make it impossible for some vampires to meet their donors. And even if the limitations lighten up a bit the question is for how long and how safe it is to travel.
I can tell you one thing, the buses are far from full, same for the trains.
As we are all stuck in this situation the question rises, how are we going to deal with this?
Dealing with Less Energy
Vampires need energy, need blood, need resources. But many of use have had times we hadn’t fed for a while, we ran low, and so on. The problem as we know is that our ability to fight off disease is partly bound by our energy. So if we are low the chance that a virus, disease or something kicks us down is the worst. I won’t judge anybody here, we all are in this situation. And we all have to deal with it our own ways. And you NEED to feed a point to stay healthy. That is a given!
If possible finding less usual ways to get energy might help one to survive.
I moved to earths energy, it is slow, doesn’t tastes nice, but all in all I survive on it. Thrive? Not sure, survive yes. I still would prefer feeding at a dance party.
I got no true answers that help us all. And since so many vampires feed differently this is a topic we should talk about. The comments on this blog are open BUT I understand if you want to keep it within the discords and safe groups this is shared instead. After all we gotta be safe!