Monday, April 27, 2020

Covid and Me

Covid and Me

Author: Masticina Akicta
Date: 27 April 2020

When Covid Strikes at home

Though I am not sure if this is Covid it certainly seems to be like a case. Before you ask, testing is still limited to certain groups, people that either work in high danger zones, or have complications. So getting tested isn’t really into sight for most of us. But I go by the symptoms and though I still can get out of bed, do the basic things in life. Just with a less air and energy. And a cough that feels suck in my, and lungs that feel weaker.
It being about 5 days ago when I got a little cough. I didn’t trust it so I kept an eye on it. And made sure nobody would come into the house, just to be sure. And this couch in a day or three grow out to one that was stuck. And in the weekend it began to affect my breathing.
So to be sure I called it and got into a self-imposed quarantine and have enough people keeping an eye on me.


Some of you might call me lucky, these symptoms are light with me but they are there. Shorter of breath, that cough stuck I the throat. Less energy and always a whisper of a headache. I have been tracking my temperature for days it has only gone up a tiny bit, nothing to really get worried about. It is there, I feel it, but it is weak and I keep track of how bad or good I feel every day. It goes up and down as it seems my body is fighting it.

Support Network

I don’t stand alone though, there are others who keep an eye on me. Sure they can’t visit me but they do call almost every day and they offer support, for instance bringing some food for a few days now I really am stuck at home. Situation being I don’t keep food for many weeks in the house, cooler space limited. I already did that as much as I could. But you only can keep so much food in the cooler. And sure cans are possible but then I still would have had to bought those cans a before this all struck.

About healing and sensing

To know is to feel, if one is sick one can feel it, at least some are more sensitive to it. Due to other conditions I have learned to listen to my body very well, like a captain of a ship knows all the creeks of the wood. I have found that I don’t do laying in bed for days well. That is not my thing, and things that try to kick me down will have a very hard time. This surely feels heavier then your flu or cold just flying by. This is new and definitely packs a punch. In the last days I adjusted by spending more time on healing and energy handling and a lot less on other things. Yet, as I am always a positive little bit of sunshine I have been quite busy keeping an eye on others.
I am lucky that no preconditions are there to make things a lot worse. I practiced singing you know, I did grow a pretty decent lung capacity from that. And yes if I try to sing right now it definitely is cut short. Or if I move to quick or try to do to much I definitely get a kick down. I listen to such, slowing down and doing what I can with the energy I have.

Hope and wonder

The thing is that I have hope, yes this is worse then your average flu. But so far I am fighting it and though less capable still am pulling ahead. Also, if these symptoms stay this mild and finally drift away there should be a good recovery. And I wonder when the anti body kits are within actual reach.

Next Step

Daily checkup’s, I can suggest to same to all of you. Make sure others are there to check up on you. And keep an eye on how you are doing. How you are feeling. And most important make sure you know that you are not alone. There are hopefully people who can help you out in your own life.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Covid and the vampire community

Covid and the vampire community

Author: Masticina Akicta
Date: 19 April 2020

Situation at hand

The world is at crisis in the begin of 2020. A pandemic is sweeping the world called COVID19, Corona Virus, Wuhan Virus. And no it isn’t just a common cold. This disease is very different and has a much different set of symptoms. A virus capable to kill in the right conditions.
And the world is has moved into lock-down situations and other partial measures. Governments are working on slowing down the spread and rise of the virus. By now it should be already in every corner of the world. The political fights over if the current governments did a good don’t matter right now in March. What matters is slowing down the spread and doing what needs to be done.
The good news, the last pandemic was around 1917, or the first world war and killed 1/3rd of the people. This time we got scientific insight, cures being worked on and much improved health care. But it only works if not to many need help at the same time.

A community changed

We had some fights lately, some troubles, some really nasty events. But now we all have to work together, even if we can’t do it face2face. Spreading the right information, staying in contact with each other and keeping an eye out on any other useful information.
We have members that work in the health-care, members that are part of the industries that have to keep running. And people who are not stuck at home. A huge change has happened with the new rules for society. And it shows just how much we need to work together to survive. Even if by small things.
Also face2face meetings have become about impossible. Travel is severely limited and social distancing keeps people from meeting up. This leads to certain troubles.
People are pulling closer in times of trouble indeed and the virtual meeting spaces have sparked up in activity. We all just don’t want to feel alone in this time of trouble.

House waiting it out

Houses, the hubs for face2face meetings also have to do what is needed in these troubled days. And that means limiting human contact, meaning that yes some houses have closed down the doors for the time being. No visits, no direct contact, just keeping an eye on their members in other ways. Be it through phone contact, video contact or other ways. There are ways to be active and social in these times. Even if it doesn’t happens face 2 face.

Donors and Feeding

The big issue that rises is getting food. And I don’t mean food you might be able to buy in a super market. But blood or life energy. Finding and keeping blood donors is hard enough in normal times. BUT right now travel is forbidden or limited. And the health of your donor is now also possibly under attack by traveling during Covid. We are in some dire troubles.
Of course there are alternatives to stake the hunger for a while. But lets hope that this situation doesn’t lasts too long.
And psychic vampires need to feed too, and for them the ethics of feeding rises. During these days everybody requires enough energy to fight off diseases. More than ever. And as travel slows down so do the changes to feed. A train station that only have 1/10th of the people will be a much smaller meal then a full train station. Without bars to go to, dance halls, and other places getting energy will be inevitable harder. Where possible psychic vampires should try to lower the energy burn rate by doing less.
Finding food will be hard for many of us. And we might have to dig deep into the alternatives many of us have build up. But not all are as lucky. We don’t know how long this will last so we can’t really plan for it either.
And as we all know, running out of “coffee” will make a lot of us more crabby and unstable. But we need to be smart about this. As good as we can.

How can we help each other

One important thing our community can do is to spread the information. The right information! Information that can save lives. That make sure we make the right choices. And most important that we don’t panic. We need to stay into contact and keep an eye on each other.
And our community is already sharing useful knowledge, how to make your own hand soap with basic materials. How to recognize different diseases, what you need to have in the house and more. Again, don’t panic but be smart and ready where possible.
Yes the vampire community is one of cats, and cat fights are very common within it. But right now we need to help each other out.
So keep in contact, and lets fight this situation. We will survive!