Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Boxes are for Cats


Author: Masticina Akicta

Date: 17 November 2020

Boxes are for Cats

Isn't it cute? Getting out a fresh box and the cat will play in it or even sleep in it. Well, that is great for cats but it isn't for us. As cozy as that box might look. 

Putting yourself in a box is giving yourself an identity and limiting yourself based upon such identity. Accepting the walls around you as limitations isn't always the best way. Painting yourself in a corner is neither, that would be the far reaching effect of boxing yourself in. I wonder how schrodingers cat is doing. Ah! Back to the blog-post.

The thing is that just accepting and using a label doesn't means having to use all the trappings of a label. And that there are nuances, differences, and connections you as person can deal with that fall outside said label. 

The Power of Labels

Humans love to label things, tree, air, leaf, dog, cat, box. A label allows our brains to connect things together and give it values. To understand the world better. From young on we are taught how useful labels are. "The Red Ball." We have a ball and it is red! Language and Communication requires labels and identities. 

What does this mean for our community? Within the vampire community we use a certain set of labels to define ourself and to show others in the know what they can expect from us. It is a not so secret handshake, or if using certain words, a secret handshake that allow us to recognize others and understand where they come from.

Sanguinary vampires feed on blood. Psi vampires on life energy, hybrids have a preference for both. Med Sangs try to find out just what in blood makes it work. And Sexual Vampires feed through sexual acts.

Vampire itself means, at least in our inner culture, something different then the books and movies. But it is a term that makes us easier to find. A key that once people have entered the door they can learn more about our community and members. And our plight. 

Labels in short allow us to use words and within the community agreed upon meanings allow us to work together. And of course the expected meaning from outside the community.

Yet using those doesn't mean that all of us don't have individual differences. 

Each of us is different in the end and with different life experiences leading us into the place we ended up. The Label allows us to quicker get another to understand things, but the truth usually is more subtle and it is understood that as individuals we all have our own experience within said label. In short, we don't fill the box equally! Boxes can differ, even if all are labeled Banana. How we deal with things and just what it means to us can differ, even within the same label. But on average we can agree that some labels have an use to pull us together.

The Power of Community

Communities drive us to work together, learn, study, support and teach others. For that we have learned to use certain language, labels. And yes with that from the outside it seems as if certain archetypes show up. The Labels, boxes, help us quicker to get insight. But the true insight always takes more time. 

Again, even if we use equal words and agree upon meaning. Just how we are affected by it and how we handle it differs.

The labels help community lead you to where you need to start. But in the end the search will require much inner research.

Finding your Own Identity

What matters is finding ones own Identity. And with that your strengths, weaknesses and of course your requirements to survive. Each of us is different after all but we share in the core many things. And talking to other can make you think, lead you to where you need to seek. Yet equally one is free to research many options. 

That takes time, and with that comes trappings and labels, finding out just what it all means. A Sang who feeds on blood will obviously require methods to feed safely and donors. Also deal with donor and blood safety. So the label sang should at least tell those in the know what you have to deal with. And lead you quickly to resources you need. 

How easy or bad it gets depends on the situation you as individual are in. And every individual is made up of multiple labels if you think about it. Again society loves to label things! 

Everybody is Different

As Brian once said, "You are all individuals." 

Everybody is different and yet we have many things in common. And we can find ourselves in those common realities. Just remember, the experience of one person doesn't has to be yours. Meaning that ones person easy way to get food might not work too well for someone else who doesn't has access to donors. Or the experience of a Psy vampire can and usually will be quite different from a sang vampire. Even among psy vampires the different methods and situations we are in make the insight we require different.

So keep your eyes and ears open and accept that everybody is on another path. Yet, through our common problems we can help each other out with advice and teachings. 

So when a new member shows up within the community the labels lead them to the place that they might find help. Yet in time they also should understand that they are more then just that label. And that everybody has their own issues and things to deal with. 

Strength through Diversity

Which leads me to this part, strength through Diversity! Differences lead to different ways of thinking, different strengths and weaknesses and yes also different needs. Meaning different solutions to fix problems and through working together and sharing insight the community reaches a better way to guide those who are new. 

This is for good and bad, disagreements are normal. But in the end we need to work together as a small community!

Teachers are Guides and so are You.

Other vampires can hand you information, show you the way to find information. Talk with you about the veracity of information you found and even safely teach you many useful skills. 

But you should be in command as student. And understand that every teacher is also a student in a long path through life. There are many new method and things you might be able to share with the community. 

I leave you with these words, remember your own identity and don't let others rewrite it. Instead grow into your true self and learn many new things. 

Monday, November 9, 2020

About Elections and Energy

Author: Masticina Akicta

Date: 9 November 2020

About Elections and Energy

Elections are a part many of societies. At least in many societies that claim to have freedom. Lets be fair there are elections in China but with only one party it is a bit of a sham isn't it! 

This post is about how Election Time can lead to very strange energies. Very opposite, you versus them. Pitting people against each other and leading to huge ruptures in society and throughout such the world of energy we create. Energy that can be felt far away.

Psychic Radio

Those who are psychically sensitive, like psychic vampires, do receive energy like a radio. The energy is out there like the radio signals, but not everybody can pick them up and understand them. Witches, Psychics, and Psychic Vampires by their nature become much more capable of picking up that energy. To the point that it can get too much for us.

And this years election in America was a hell. It felt as if the earth was screaming. And as if everything was aflame. Think a million voices screaming at the same time bad.

Empathic Wavelengths

Feelings can ripple through the system too. Many times I had to ask myself are these my own thoughts and feelings or someone else. One has to be sure to protect themselves against those effects.

How stronger the emotions how harder it is to stay neutral yourself. And trying to ground and shield all that away isn't unloving, but one has to defend oneself too. That means at times taking oneself out of the situation. 

This election I felt and tasted a lot of fear and anger. The society was lashing out, fearful, ripping and biting. Not strange that things happened. The level of inner pain was beyond anything I have dealt with before. And trying to not be taken by it was hard. For my own mental health I definitely took a few days off. 

The Storm Front

Yes, that title, I know. As the year rose, Covid perked up and forced huge changes upon society. And cause huge damage a rising cloud of pain, anger, distrust rose up and turned into one of the worst looking storm clouds I ever felt. To say that it was oppressive would be a nice way of saying it. 

Around Saturday after the voting the chance of rain was rising quickly. And on Sunday it all broke out raining away so many things. By now the energy feels cleared again, cleaner... there are still fires here and there burning. Pain that will take long to go away. But it feels like after a big rain cloud. And energy is not oppressive anymore but rising. 

Financial Potential

I live in Europe. So down to the point, I have no vote in the American election. I can at most like or dislike a potential candidate. And American politics always comes over as insanity to me. It must be strange living in a country where there are only two parties effectively. And they always fight each other.

I know enough people though who are directly or closely affected by it. And in Europe our trade and growth is also connected with world trade and agreements. So whoever is president in the USA does affects us strongly.

European Politics tend to like the democratic choice for the ability to co-operate. That is as far as I picked up.


So, the elections are done. Well there is the rumbling of lawsuits, recounts and more. Not to mention a suddenly liking of glitch-hop. But finally they are done. The air is clean again, well cleaner... there is still a lot of work ahead. But from Europe I can say things feel fresh as after a raincloud finally broke out. A few patches of rain are still in the valley. 

Rest Returns

The day after, the earth still drying, the smell of rain still in the air. A silence has risen in. A huge change in energy, from chaotic and ripping at people to more peaceful. At least what I pick up from Europe. 

The Gestalt can be strong indeed. So many people together creating so much energy... 

Lets hope that the future brings many positive things. Things like getting rid of Covid or at least lowering its danger to a common cold. An economy that pulls back up, shops that re-open. People we can meet again and activities that become available again. Positive stuff...