Thursday, March 25, 2021

Safely Releasing Tension

Author: Masticina Akicta

Date: 25 March 2021

Emotional and Energy Overloads

We life in a world in what we are expected to behave certain ways, act certain ways and follow certain rules. We are told to behave, expected to behave and “othered” when we don’t. How many haven’t been pushed out of accepted society because they were too different?  

Yet we are human, and nobody is perfect. Energy and emotions build up, many of us can’t easily find others to talk to about emotional issues or other issues. Our society expects us to be strong and able to walk on our own. And it is the question if you got a partner if they are going to take the role of listening ear. 

This leads to heavy builds up in the end which can lead to some really explosive behaviors. Which lead to even more eyes looking at us and fingers pointing at us. 

The question is how to release that all safely. Because if you can’t release the energy somewhere it can easily lead to blockages and rising tension. Which breaks! Usually violent.

 Lets talk about Volcanos! You’ll understand why I go into this soon enough.


I am not sure if you were the kid in school that loved learning, or you were bored and do other things but Vulcanos are points in the earth where magma from below cause a lot of tension. At times it breaks through the thin skin the earth has and causes a releases. Much like a pimple, vulcanos always have been around ever since this little ball of matter formed and clumped together. 

There is always tension in earth as long as there is heat in the core and with moving tracts of landplates vulcanos will always show up.

My question to you; what kind of vulcano are you? One that builds up till it explodes violently or one that has pressure releases?

Humans also can store a lot of tension much like a battery. They go through their days, shit happens, they worry about things. They are not sure how they can talk to and then just as the pressure is very high…something bad happens and BOOM you explode. It usually isn’t even the fault of the last person to talk to you but… it just happened. It was the last bit of pressure needed to make it happen.

This happens to everybody! Babies can cry if they need something or are unhappy, and once grown up you have to release the tension better and explain your disagreements in a more fitting matter. Being a grown up sucks right. Being responsible for your actions doesn’t always mean your emotions agree with the rest of the expectations.

A healthy mental way to deal with such is to release some of such tension on way or another in something. Usually suggested is someone to talk to, who is willing to listen without judging. Or find something like sport to pour that energy out into.

Vesuvius versus Hawaii

I talk about two different main vulcanos here. Vesuvius is the vulcano that builds up, and up, to explode quickly and sharply with a lot of force. It can be silent for a long while and hence dangerous. You could trust that all is fine, but underwhile the last bit of pressure is building up till the big boom. Even you can’t say when it breaks. Just that it is close to exploding.

The second type of volcano is the the ones you see on Hawai. They are always going off and release a steady flow of lava out. But this also means that they are known, well monitored and due to the release of tension huge eruptions don’t happen as much. 

The danger you don’t see is the most dangerous after all. 

There are also super volcanoes but that is a whole different ball game. The type you get when a marriage with a terrible choice of mate finally breaks and all the negative feelings in one flow break out. Ouch! 


Of course one way to deal with problems is to deal with the cause. Sometimes we can’t really or require help from others too. Sometimes it means stopping meeting certain people or finding other work, if possible. Sometimes it means dealing with a nasty past that still shadows you. 

And sometimes it is just a lot of factors that on itself wouldn’t cause trouble too much ending up on the same few days. We can’t always clear up with a cause, but if we try to fix a few of those underway things improve a lot. And I don’t say it is easy because some times there are huge issues that take years to heal. Release of the energy is the first part though. Draining out the energy to allow healing.

On a more average level new work, issues at work, money issues, kids sick etc can lead to a lot of pressure building up. Little things that all together are too much. 

Safe and Healthy ways to get rid of energy

Much energy can be rid off through guided release of it through actions, like running, boxing and other activities. Some of us make paintings filled with our emotions or write words. Emotions are like pressure in this situation they have to go somewhere. When musicians go through bad times they make sad songs. When they explode their songs are raw like mothers little explosions.

Metal is a healthy form of music, it is full of emotion and sometimes positive too. But usually very raw and strong. It is one of those places where you can yell and bang your head and feel so good after such. A metalsingers scream is very close to a baby using its one and only method to be noticed. 

Of course, there are always the people who are there to listen to you and who are trained guide you through releasing such and thinking about things. Trained to listen and put 1+1 they can guide you into dealing with the underlying issues. But many things are just normal daily rising tensions and issues. Which can’t be talked away. But have to be taken out another way.

It is healthy to keep draining rising pressures one way or another. And taking care of yourself also means taking time to mentally release energy. So it won’t explode in the worst of moments. Think after a busy week do a sport activity that you can push most of that energy into. You’ll feel much better and the energy has been used well. 

Personally I am well self-trained with grounding so I can ground myself, areas, or others. 

And I can see how rebirthing retreats and other strange sounding things make sense for the Japanese society. A very closed off and expecting society in what one has to be subservant to the system. Having an own Identity is bad there. Ah, so much rising tension. Hence the drinking! 

I am sure you have some ideas how to deal with tension, pressure and sometimes deep laying pains. What matters is making sure it doesn’t crawls upon you and you explode. Healthy regular tension release is good for everybody.


What kind of Vulcano are you?

What do you do to release pressure?

When did you have the last big explosion?

Is how you deal with things different these days then your childhood?

What suggestions do you have for others?

Monday, March 8, 2021

Shielding, Grounding, and Meditation

Author: Masticina Akicta

Date:8 March 2021

Why learn these basics? 

Shielding, grounding, and meditation can aid everybody. Definitely those who are energy sensitive or work with magic and energy. 

If you got an inkling of gifts learning these basic tools will offer you a strong footing and feeling of security. They will get you out of trouble in many cases, or at least teach you how to withstand the storms. 

The world is one of energy, it is swirling all around, and we are bombarded with it. Many of use are seemingly insensitive to it, though not truly. But those who have woken up will strongly be affected by it. And hence have to learn how to deal with it.

Like a Muscle

Energy works like these are like muscles, at first you be very bad with it or have a very short duration that you can keep it up. Like muscles the more you do it the better you get at it. So at first you might only be able to shield simple things very shortly. Do it enough though and you get better at it and can keep it up longer. Many years later it becoming second nature. To the point that one can do it without trying.


Visualization is the key in energy works. You will it to happen, you see it happen, so it happens. With shielding you see the energy reach the barrier point and bounce off. You will it to be and so it be done. 


In grounding one connects with earth and nature, much like a tree has deep roots. Through such one can release energy into the earth. And earth can handle a lot of energy, much more then we can. This lowers one own energy down and releasing tension and overcharge. 

It is drawing a wire from the earth and connecting either you or an area to it, much like a tree root connects things. Like the trees can withstand the storms and can take the large amount of rain it allows you to withstand the storm and find your own peace again. Trees survive storms, and so can you.

Many people in tune with nature don’t wear shoes as much as many for a good reason. Contact with fresh earth offers a great contact for grounding. Though yes shoes do have a great function and in some areas I would definitely suggest to wear shoes. I tell you Lego Pieces are not fun to walk into. Also snow, brrrr!


Sit somewhere and visualize that from the earth a tree root grows to you. Then let the tree root take the energy you don’t want. 

Visualize that tree roots grow around a room that is high in energy and again let those take the high levels of energy you don’t want to deal with.


Grounding is great and useful. But as with all that is natural there is doing things too much. Balance is the key. If you force too much energy out of an area it becomes very slow. Too much earth energy can be quite odd.


The storm is out there, better to hide inside, a cozy hut seems in reach. A wall between you and the blasting wind and rain. That is shielding. It is putting a wall between you and something else, blocking it from reaching you. For instance, there is a fight in the air, like a pregnant sky waiting to break out. And you can’t really leave the house since it is your family and all. So… you go into your own little safe hut waiting for the storm to break out. A nice little cozy spot with strong walls that will survive the harsh wind and rain. 

But it isn’t always negative situations like that, for energy sensitives going to huge public places can be “interesting.” Your extra senses might just be overcharged by so much they pick up. Shielding will allow you to pass through the market place in a much saner way.

A combination of shielding and grounding will make it much harder to push you off your seat.


Visualize a see through bubble, then visualize it bigger and around you. Once such is done will it to block certain things, like the energy of a specific person or of an area. Be specific, try to play with what you can block and how much work and energy it takes.

Practice with getting the walls of the shield closer to you until it is a much closer fit to you. 


Meditation, ah, how lately we been hearing a lot about that right. You probably think about monks sitting hours in seemingly trance or chanting to gongs. That is one way to meditate.

But there are many ways to meditate. The main thing is that meditation allows you to release all the troubles of the days at a momentand with that much less build up exists. If you don’t crop up things you are less affected by it. And make better choices. 

And yes, the “clear your mind” is kinda bullshit and yet true. You can’t force your mind to go silent. No! The trick is to give your mind space to do what it needs to do to release its thoughts and energies in a guided way. 

Our busy western world brains are filled to the brim with thoughts, much like a highway filled with cars. Obviously there will be some honking! 

You are allowed to have those stray thoughts float around, fight it as you wish, try to push it back. That doesn’t works. No, let it float it and then send if off on its own cloud free to go where it wants. At a point you got rid of those most those thoughts and your head ought to clear itself. In our busy lives a lot builds up, so don’t expect that traffic jam of thoughts to be out of your head in 1 hour ;)


Sit somewhere and allow your brains to go free, ideas will float up, don’t fight it and try to push it back. Let them be for a while then send them off in the clouds. The freed space you made will inevitable be taken by another thought so the first few times you are bound to get little actual rest. But slowly and surely you clear that highway in your head and finds moments of rest. As long as you do it regular. 

You also can get this from doing something active, like cycling or running, your body is busy but your mind now has space to do the same as above. Just be sure you are safe of course. 

And you might also want to look into journaling to the the most powerful thoughts out of your head. Those tend to stick around.


It is important also to keep a journal. Foresight depends on being able to look into the past and make smart choices based upon those memories. A journal in what you write how you feel, what went on and if things went well or not will give you insight in how to handle events further ahead. 

A smart person remembers the past. A journal, a pen and daily writing what happened can do wonders. Journals also can be used for less then daily tasks, for instance a magical journal for magical workings or a journal for a specific use. 

But daily journaling is a great way to get stuff out of your mind on paper. And later you can look back and notice patterns.

Patterns, ah yes, you might not know it yet but what if, just hear me out, what if you have bad days or weeks around certain times. But you can’t put your finger on it, seeing that pattern might lead you to dive into your journal to see what could be the main influence. 

What if you get bad days always following meeting certain people? Or dealing with certain issues? Knowing the pattern means you can make a change


Start a journal, write daily, even if it seems boring. What happened that day, how did you feel. Opinions and so on. Treat the Journal as person you can talk too. Only once you have enough material you can really look back and see the patterns.

Seeing the Patterns

As pointed above it is hard to see the forest for the trees, it is once you got a lot of trees you know about the forest. Months and  years of journals will become the forest out of the trees. You’ll be able to fly above the forest like a hawk, learning more about yourself, your desires and behaviors and indeed dangers.