Friday, August 30, 2019

What is the Vampire Community

What is the Vampire Community
Author: Masticina Akicta
Date: 30 August 2019

What is the Vampire Community
Mos Eisley spaceport: You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious. - Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi
I am not saying that the vampire community is wretched but, it definitely has it scum pits. So yeah, welcome to a whole new world. And yes sand gets everywhere!

The vampire community is one where you easily can find yourself into the court of egos. Of fighting cats, of people who are utterly against each other. And of media hording people good and bad. Of people taking sides and so on. But, also it is where we have teachers, places that are safe, where you can learn in relative safety and help the many things that can help a vampire learn the tricks safely. And yes feed safely to, very important to sanguinary vampires. So, as much as it seems as if this at times is Mos Eisley, it also is a little bit of a haven. You just gotta find your place.
The community also is split, there are disagreements and socio-political situations that have lead to different groups to exist. For instance South Africa has its own Vampire Community. The Americans seem to pick up a little bit of the European and Canadian slack. But there is also the Germans and before I even go further. There are a lot of players on this board. So let me just keep it simpel. When we talk about the VC, we talk about vampires, donors and supporters working together. But also VC can mean a local thing, like South Africa has its own VC. Which deals with South African vampires and their plights. Though in the core does the same, teach young vampires and offer certain level of support and information.

What does the Vampire Community Stands For
The VC, in the best case stands for teaching people, vampires and non vampires about vampirism. Offering support, insight and safe methods to feed. It has access to ways to find donors, deal with donors and offers many years of written materials and insights of older vampires. This obviously will help the young vampire, donors and supporters on the road. It also offers certain contact points for Media to contact us and talk about matters. For instance if they want to make a series for television and it won’t be the usual Media Hungry Crap. But actually wants to look deeper into the issue. Few vampires are out in public, for obvious reasons!
In the worst case it is cats fighting over little. Grudges hold for very long, different groups disagreeing with each other and a political push and pull.  You gotta take the good with the bad.

Oh this, drama, delightful drama. Yeah it happens. Big names, big egos. Sometimes a fight happens and sometimes things go to far and damage is done. It, is inevitable, vampires are a lot like cats. You can keep buying new cat trees, they will still fight over the same spot. And sometimes some really troubling stuff happens. Dangerous to young vampires to say the least.
What I want to say here is, judge someone on their actions and do not give full support or always believe someone. Drama happens, things flame up, damage is done, best to stay out of it while you are young. Hell if you are older you probably can smell the Bovine Excrement from miles away. And know not to get close! Many times it is just Fireworks, yet another fight, yet another night. At times it is a real life soap.

That Sounds Dangerous
Maybe, but there is also a lot of good. There are places where one can learn about vampirism. How one can feed safe and with consent, how to find donors. You can hook up with the right people to help you on the way and things can get running just fine. They can offer you classes, a social cohesion and a home within the strange world of real vampirism.
Also, you might find friends there, a listening ear that understands what you are going through.
It is just that there are also very strong minded people who might come out a bit sharp. It happens in every community. So finding the right people can help you a lot. Staying out of trouble can help you a lot. Not jumping directly into a drama storm is suggestible. Even though as young vampire I did that. But, you get older and hopefully a bit smarter.

Take your time.
Read and learn as much as you can.
Take nothing you are given as 100% truth, do your own research too.
Don’t let yourself be swindled in supporting a side of a war you don’t even know what the stakes are in.

Copyright 2019 Masticina Akicta

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