Author: Masticina Akicta
Date: 28 August 2020
A new age
Your voice deepens, your body changes, you begin to feel odd emotions and hair grows places... oh wrong fact sheet.
*looks through the pile of papers* Young vampires do go mentally and bodily through a stage that might look a bit like this. An awakening can be rough!
You Are Different
So you are different then others. Let me tell you a secret, everybody is different then others one way or another. There are so many things that make someone different that it isn't strange to be "off" the linear path.
The thing is, vampirism isn't really well known or even accepted. Though through time we have gotten enough information out that it has gotten from being seen as an insane outsider to, just weird. Yet that depends on who we are talking about.
Lets just say it this way, there is a reason why not everybody needs to know about your condition. At a point if you want a donor it helps a lot. And you might need to find a way to get your family to accept that you wear darker clothes*, sunglasses and suncream. [* Or at least covering clothing that bounces off the light and makes sure the UV won't hit you!]
That is not a fashion statement, that is how we deal with the issues it usually comes with. I say usually, how strong we get these side effects differ. The trick is that not everybody has to know the core truth behind it all. After all not everybody is willing to accept our nature. Some would send us to the psychiatrist or the likes. So make certain changes in smart ways.
To be fair, I was sun sensitive as hell as young child. So when I got to black clothes and sunglasses it was kinda expected. Even these days I wear darker clothes, not all black but dark enough so it absorbs a lot of the light.
The thing, YOU are different, and that is fine. Finding ways to survive and fit within groups is something you'll have to work with your whole life. Get used to it!
What is an awakening
In short it is learning what you are and learning how to handle it. It begins with waking up to odd needs and odd nature that seems so unlike most around you. And then you find our community and many are like you, in certain ways.
It is your energy system shifting into full gear and you suddenly gaining insight and in time you might get control over it. The hunger pours through you, you feel stronger yet also weaker. And something in you whispers to find food. Get used to it, it will always be with you.
And no it doesn't just last 6 years and you get a piece of paper that says you are awesome. It lasts a damn lifetime as your energy needs keep changing as you age. Learning more and more what your energy being means to you and what needs to gives.
Like puberty it definitely hits hard in the beginning. It can hit like a brick wall, with all such entails. Hunger rising, strange feelings, mayor energy shifts and stuff happening that you simply don't understand. And just like puberty you better get used to it.
An awakening isn't a fixed time period. It is finding out things and beginning to understand just what is happening. And every energy sensitive being had their own, but vampires, well we got a harsh one. A hunger that lives deep inside of us.
Also it can happen early in your life but also later. So unlike puberty there isn't really a fixed time when it should hit. Some people only learn about their energy condition much later. Others know it very young.
The need for blood, life energy or other ways to feel good again will be strong in you.
Rough years ahead
So you are hit with the hammer, welcome to life. Rough years ahead, but it doesn't has to be done alone. To make it easier for yourself you can learn the basics and have experienced vampires to talk to. But to do that you need to find active communities and others willing to take time for you. Teach you the basics, the ethics and the way to stay healthy.
People willing to support you, even accept that at times you still act rash, as any young vampire would. And that you need time to adjust.
Hell you might even want to seek for a cure, I give you a hint, so far we found none that works permanent or makes us "fully normal functioning" whatever that means. We can learn to deal with our condition though and survive.
Being a vampire means you are stuck with it. And making your own life a bit easier by learning the ropes and connecting up with the right people to help you along. You don't have to do this alone, even if you are having to deal with all this stuff. Many did go through much of the same before you and not only survived but also thrived. You can do also! But it will take time and (self)training.
What experienced vampires can do
First of all patience. I know, young just awoken vampires can be a bit caustic and rough like 80 grid sandpaper. But weren't most of us like that too? And how many of us were born in families or groups where other vampires could teach them? Indeed! So a bit of patience and accepting that they will make a mistake at times is part of it. Like watching a toddler run, then fall, cry, get helped up then run again. Once we all were the toddler!
So if possible be patient, and show new members where to go for help or information. True, not everybody has the same function within a group, some of us are more suited in helping others directly. But at least know where you can send vampires to for the right help. We are more powerful if we work together.
And maybe you are not trained or experienced in specific needs for a just awakening vampire. For instance, you are a sanguinary vampire and you meet a young psy vampire. Then send them the way to the psy's that can aid him/her. And vice versa.
My Awakening
You don't really put all those years in a tiny end of a blog post. But it is fair people learn about it.
In short, rough, chaotic at times painful. I didn't have vampires around me so I only had the online community. So yeah I have been there, and I know how rotten it can be. So the need for the community to offer teachings and aid is obvious. Best is to find a trust-able group or community that can offer both teachings and a kind of family.
Your Future
So, there you are, where do you end up? Where will you go? What help will you find? What long term friendships might you end up with. And just what will this all mean to you.
That is for you to find out.