Date: 28 August 2020
Summer of Peace
Those who have been around in the Vampire Community long enough all know summers. It is when young people have vacation and more time for other stuff. So usually a glut of young people roll into our communities. In search for different things.
And in some years it is more then other years. Depending if a movie or book with vampires got hot or not.
I can tell you, vampires in fiction aren’t doing that well lately so we are in a slow time for people coming in through such desires.
New and Interested
Most people rolling into our communities are young. Some just love vampire books and movies, some are rebelling teens/young grown ups. And yes some actually are vampires or connected to our communities in ways that they stick.
The thing is the ones that come in for the cool factor usually leave within a week or two. Our communities can be rather boring if there is no drama, no fights, no problems.
Don’t get me wrong, the vampire community and drama go together. But it isn’t always there. And a lot of older members are quick happy they don’t have to deal with drama all the time. We seen it before, we will see it again.
The Type of visitors we get
The word vampire itself has quite an allure. And like a flame attracts moths, we attract visitors of all kinds.
The young vampire fiction lover; He/she loves the fiction, the clothing, the world, the powers, the everything. These usually don’t last long once they learn we deal with the human vampire version not the movie vampire version.
The bored ones; Like above, but less a fan of vampires but just bored and in search for something nice. Vampires draw drama right? Right? Not always! Boring human living vampires tend to scare them away.
The Researchers; Fun lot, wanting to know more, learn more. And our bigger community is open to having researchers around. If they ask nicely and behave. After all many of our members desire secrecy for good reasons.
The Troll; Every community draws trolls, it is inevitable. It is almost as If every community has a bridge somewhere. They usually don’t stay long once they learn how boring it really is.
The Young Vampire; The reason many communities have an open door policy. Young vampires need to learn the basics, the ethics, the safety. The ways to feed and be safe to themselves and others. Having access to older vampires helps them along the road much quicker.
The Otherkin; Inevitable an non-vampire otherkin will show up. But with their own communities being rather small they understand the position better. And many are quite respectful. If not seeking something the vampire community cannot fully offer.
The Know-It-Better; No matter how short they have been part of the community they know it better. Fun lot, because usually they are dead wrong. But they simply know it better. And with that kind of mentally set off a lot of members who just want to feel safe and part of a family. So don’t last long before a moderator ushers them out.
What we offer
Knowledge and a Family. To young vampires and those just waking up to their reality we offer a place they are understood and offered insight and knowledge. Depending on the specific community you can find different things. Some are made for research.
Yes, we do research, the med-sang community. The Medical Sanguinary aka pure blood feeder community for instance does research into blood. How to store blood for longer, where to find it and of course Donor Safety.
The other community, due to its different ways of feeding is more spread in the ways of tries to improve things. But even there some basic methods are well known and there is materials one can find about these ways. Ways to feed, cleanse, filter and some extra little things. Tricks to make things easier.
Peaceful Summers are good news
I like peace. I used to jump in the chaos and drama. Free energy. But these days I do like to enjoy a bit of peace and “family” time. Be among friends and not have to deal with a lot of trouble. You get older you know.
Also projects go a lot better if you don’t have to fight of trouble.
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