Author: Masticina Akicta
Date: 28 December 2020
Looking Back
Happy Holidays? Eh! And let's end this year! I didn't have many postings this year. What can I say, Covid, busy with other projects. Stuff happens!
But I had a few nice posts.
- February 23 I had a post about the different roles within the vampire community. The role we tend to float into, not rigid, but take parts off.
- March 29 I had a post about Covid and Ethical Feeding for Psy Vampires. Aka how to feed safe during this horrible situation.
- April 19 I talked about Covid and the vampire Community.
- June 23 I wrote about how Summer was in the Town. Ah yes vampires as the sun, aren't we happy about that!
- July 31 I wrote about Vampires, Donors and Covid. Yes covid again. Isn't it lovely how shot this year was!
- August 28 I looked back on a peaceful summer
- August 28 I also wrote about Vampire Awakenings, an useful topic
- September 22 it was all about finding your Tribe. An useful thing to know within such a big community.
- October 2nd it was about the Age of Fear! How covid was putting us against each other even worse then the years before!
- October 18 there was a post about the Nightside Identity, an useful thing to have for most of us!
- November 9th, Elections and Energy. Or in short how the energy around that time was INSANE! As if Eris was having a tea party!
- Ending the year with November 17 talking about how Boxes are for Cats. In short, how labels are useful but we should not try to fit in a box that wasn't made for us.
Feelings about this month
December is not a great month for me. Due to personal life and some long standing memories. I always take a nice break in December. I don't like how this month easily falls apart and nothing makes sense anymore. Not to mention the last two weeks are lost and one has to deal with suddenly extra "free" days. Free isn't the right word as society has expectations of such days.
Also the amount of food one has to get in the house, the preparations. I am not a fan of doing a lot of work for a holiday. Like this Holidays should be about relaxation; not about having to run like an idiot to get things done in time, make sure you got enough food in house for the days you can't shop, being sure you are on time with all the long term issues and so on. Also this year was even more fun due to Covid limitations. In short my mood was shot! Blog posts written on a bad mood are not that good.
Things in the Short Que
There are a few upcoming topics I want to post about. Can't make promises but a few should be worth it.
For instance I am still working on a post about awakening the sense as an addition to the sixth senses article.
There is an article about Prana/Chi/Life Energy. Which needs some more research! I don't like to make things to deep but this needs a few hooks.
I have an article in the short que about Vampirism and Paganism. Aka, vampires and the witchcraft/energy/pagan community. I am sure we all see how that goes at times.
I am also looking at a nice basic book list. So new vampires, and awoken ones, can get a short list what books they probably want to read.
There is a nice one, feeding from nature, aka munch on trees. Or also known as the Covid Diet!
And a few more which I need to see if I want to keep. It is always good to have a few articles around that might be published on this blog, or work on ideas flowing from them instead.
In short I have some topics for blog ahead of me. Just need the energy and mental space to get it done. Also some require research! And I am terrible with research!
Ideas Floating around
I have a few ideas floating around. Which if I can get things to work might get running. Like a Podcast, but that would be a lot of work, a lot of preparation, a lot of finding out just what makes sense to do. And of course who I can invite over as guest. The technical Issues alone will be a lot. And coming year I have a few things to get running in my personal life too. So yeah, at least I can lay the ground work right?
2021 Ahoy
I hope that 2021 quickly brings an end to Covid and that soon enough our world is sane again and functional. That we all can have an as normal life again as possible.
Still I hope that the lessons of 2020 remain in the back, we did learn to do things different. And some ideas might not be that bad. I didn't mind having to do certain things from home. And just as in War, technology tends to change quickly when shit hits the fan. 2020 was one of those years! And we grew quickly. I got in contact with quite a few people online which else I would never have. Count your blessings!
So on 2021! May it bring good to many!