Saturday, September 25, 2021

About vultures and psychic vampires

 About vultures and psychic vampires

Author: Masticina Akicta

Editor: Wren/Moonfeather

Date: 26 September 2021

The Balance of nature

In nature there is balance, things are born and die, and things grow and rot. In the world of energy this isn’t much different either and some of us are more suited for the “clean up” job than many trained and skilled healers. Gifted in ways some of them never have heard of.

The Vulture

The Vulture is a beautiful animal if you think about it. Sure the way that it lives and the fact that it eats carcasses can be seen as “icky”, yet it has a very important role in nature. Just like some insects and fungi clean up, so do the vultures, as they do so, they stop the spread of diseases like botulism to healthy living animals. Sounds useful right? 

Their stomach acid is so powerful that it dissolves bones and kills diseases that could otherwise kill creatures less suited to the job of cleaning up decaying bodies. 

The Role of the Psychic Vampire

Vampires exist, psychic vampires exist, and within the energy community, similar to vultures, we don’t have the best name because of the role we play.. Energy vampires are usually very capable in handling energy that makes most energy workers sick, because we are made for it. It is almost as if we have a natural knack for dealing with gunky yucky energy few can handle.   This natural resistance to harmful energies could make us rather useful long term if we were accepted more within the energy community. 

The world of energy has a flow, stagnancy is bad, and to keep things flowing something has to take and transmute the gunky stuff back into something useful. 

Tendrils that are attuned to feed can be used like sharp blades much like a scalpel in the  hands of a skilled physician operating on a wound. Notice I said the word SKILLED. Any intrusion in someone's energy can lead to long lasting damage if done incorrectly. 

Since the psychic vampire is instinctively aware of how to draw in energy, they can use their tendrils to hone in on the rot and draw it out by controlling the flow of the energy. 

More useful then you think

Let's say you got someone who has a lot of nasty, gunky energy in their system; how will you heal them? Drain out the gunk and replace it? Good idea, but  how many healers are adapted to handle the gunk naturally? How many are trained to cut through energy systems right into the source of the gunk? How many have the skills and experience to do this with only the slightest of wounds? 

How many will have to put up heavy shields or undergo rigorous grounding/cleansing to even handle such a procedure? Life isn’t always just about putting IN energy, sometimes you also have to drain the poison, cutting out the cancer with the sharpest of tools. 

You see where I am going. A healer + vampire make a great couple. The vampire targets the bad energy, easily cutting right through the energy system, to draw it out, and the healer puts in healing fresh energy and then helps seal the wounds in the energy body.

But for this pairing to work,  the healer has to trust the vampire, and of course the patient has to trust the situation as well. With so many preconceived notions and biases about vampires this isn’t  always so easy.

Additionally, as some say, aftercare matters so, someone (usually the healer side of the coin) will have to check up on the situation to see how things went and if the person is healing up well. 

Two sides of a coin

Some healers will deem vampires as utterly evil, but this is a question of ethics. Is the blade evil for being able to hurt? What defines evil are the choices the wielder of the blade makes. I am a person who believes in ethical feeding, which for me either means feeding from areas, not directly targeting people (i.e. ambient feeding); or from willing donors. Just because I am born with the tools of a hunter doesn’t mean I am automatically bad. The hunter hunts, that is its nature.

Now consider, some people have TOO MUCH energy so they need to off load it. To whom do they offload? This excess energy can be used to heal others, or even to sate the hunger of a psychic vampire.

So why can’t healers work together with vampires? Each using the inherent skills given to them to their fullest potential.  

Consider that there might even be things you learn from listening to those of us who are forced to work with and feed on energy to survive. Again, every person has to decide their own ethics on this. Just like with everyone else, no two psychic vampires are going to be exactly the same, and no two healers will be exactly the same, but by confronting our biases towards psychic vampires, the energy working community as a whole can benefit from cooperation- utilizing both sides of the coin, instead of just the side of the coin you find most appealing. Just as the vultures have their place, so too do we.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Elemental Feeding (or how to munch on trees)

Author: Masticina Akicta

Date: 9 September 2021

What is Feeding from Elements

Did you know that psy vampires and energy workers can feed from the earth and the trees, or thunderstorms. You might feel giddy around thunderstorms and feel energized. Nature indeed has a lot of energy to offer. And some of that energy can be fed upon. 

 For many psy vampires feeding from nature is a secondary option. Not all vampires can do this, not all psy vampires can do this and the gains are different then feeding from mainly human life energy. It simply is not the same. But it is good having an alternative ready if the worst situation hits. 

During the early phases of Covid with its long lock-downs my human energy resources were dwindling. I would travel by public transport you see, so easy energy! 

 The COVID diet was forced it upon me, meaning munching trees, and I find that it simply couldn’t fully fill the hunger and needs. You survive on it but don’t thrive on it. A glass half full isn’t the right word for it. Trees just don’t fill you up as much. A thunderstorm though can be delicious but the afterglow doesn’t lasts long. Worse when those thunderstorms go by and not over you.

The Hunger

The hunger drives us to seek sustenance, be it through blood or energy. And psy vampires have ways to get energy indirectly, from distance and certain locations. Just go to the right place at the right moment. A bar, a disco, the local super-mall or train-station. Wherever many people share a smaller area for a long time. Energy is around, this is called Ambient Feeding.

Yet in the days of COVID with restricted travel and people working in their own houses where possible such wells have dried up. And even now, in many places life hasn’t started up fully so it is so hard to connect with people. 

About Frequencies

Everything has a frequency, earth has a very slow one, trees got slow ones, thunder has quick ones. And humans have certain frequencies. I would say that vampires have a different frequency then most humans as part of their own nature. Thing is it is easier to pull down frequencies than to raise them. This makes feeding from storms much easier than feeding from trees.    You can feed from trees, but it is a slower thing as the energy moves slower. 

There are methods to use energy constructs to raise the frequency. Or one simply has to be out in nature quite a bit longer. 

Using constructs it works much like a batdetector, an adjusted radio lowers batsound down to our hearing range. 

Another much slower way it so to let the energy get to you, slowly, as nature goes. This takes a much longer time! You probably will need to learn a few new tricks in meditation among the way to get there.

Mostly an alternative

I won’t go all hippie on you, in my eyes nature feeding, the slower ways. Is mostly an alternative to our inner needs for human living energy. Prana, Chi, Ki. That is the stuff. And some things like trees, nature, are too slow to be really a permanent solution. I would more call them a backup if all other options run out. 

Potential for survival, but not thriving. The highs are simply not there. 

Yet if you have to survive you take what you get. 

How To

Many vampires will just enjoy sitting outside, or inside, watching a thunderstorm, a huge rain or other strong weather patterns. Allowing the energy to pour into them. 

But if it is a lower type of energy, like trees and earth, then it takes longer. 

Unless one uses constructs to raise the frequencies. Think bat detector but then the other way around. One has to be out there in nature for a long time, mentally connect with it and let it give you some energy slowly. 

Note: Do not overfeed of specific trees or an area. Nature needs the energy itself to survive. An overfed tree might get sick and die. 


  • How did you deal with Covid and the lock downs so far?
  • Did you find any alternative source of energy to work out for you?
  • Did your need for coffee rise up hugely too?

Monday, September 6, 2021

Simplified Ambient Feeding

Author: Masticina Akicta

Date: 6 September 2021

Who Am I

I am Masticina Akicta, I woke up to my psy vampirism more then 20 years ago. In that time I had a lot of energy experiences and learned a lot. And got quite some insights into energy. In time reading and energy manipulating became a second nature. Much of what I learned what by experience. 

Now the question, why does this matter? It became obvious that maybe I think too easy about things at time. After all, when I was just 2 years in my awakening I had trouble with shielding, feeding, filtering and so on too. I have through time reached advanced skills levels. But this is for the vampires who just woke up. So, lets simplify things a bit. 

Simple Ways to Feed

We all swim in energy, so the easiest is to go somewhere there is much energy and just soak it in. This will give you good energy and bad energy. And let me tell you that there is a difference in energy. The energy you feed on matters. In quality and effects it can and will have on you. I used to feed in rather dirty but high energy areas. Meaning the energy could and would affect me. 

A lot of young psy vampires know to get energy one is just having to find a fight or maybe causing it. Fights or irritations lead to release of energy and easy food. Or to draw attention from others on other ways. But many of these have a negative name to it. The reason why psy vampires get a bad name. 


If one has a busy party scene in town. Or a shopping mall, maybe a sport place where big plays happen. You don’t even have to like the music, or shopping, or sport. But the energy there is high chance on much free energy out there in the ambiance. 

I used to feed a lot at a dance hall where they had different kinds of feasts. Yummy delicious energy and so much of it you could cycle it. 

Changing where I lived and getting older led me too feed in public areas like train stations. A lot of people rushing in and out, not as yummy but functional. 

Simple Ways of Improve Energy Quality

Energy in public places can be quite dirty. REALLY dirty, or contain things that will affect you badly. You are what you eat! So early on it helps to use some basic tools to improve the energy quality. Even the most basic filter-shield can help take out much of the gunk. Gunk, my word for the yucky energy you don’t want to feed off. As on learned to filter and process things become quite clear, that the syrope like stuff isn’t good food. 

Energy Constructs

First all all, an Energy Construct is something you create to do something for you. Like a shield to keep bad stuff out! Or an energy transmutation machine. To create a construct visualize and will your energy to do something. At first it will be hard, but like muscles energy manipulation will become easier and at a point you’ll be able to use perma shields and highly advanced transmutation systems. 


Transmutation is changing energy A into B. It is treating energy to change it, or do something with it. A basic filter shield won’t require knowledge about this though. But more advanced methods will use transmutation.


Cycling is when you open up your energy system and let the energy pour through you. No filtering, no cleansing, no transmutation, nothing. You and the energy are one. This can be done at big dance parties, rock or metal concerts and so on. It also means you’ll draw into yourself a lot of “crud” and other stuff that WILL affect you. If people use drug at the party, expect to be affected by such too, to a lesser degree. 

It is easy and cheap and if it is safe enough you can quickly refill your needs. At the price of feeling groggy the day after. 

Filtershielding/Filterbox Shielding

A basic shield can be used to force the energy through to block most of the bad energy out. What it bad? That is up to you! Emotions technically can be seen as bad energy. Emotions do add taste to energy and many vampires start out as Negative Energy Feeders. Aka, able to feed upon bad stuff. Some energy is obviously bad and would take work to transmute and turn into useful, and transmutation requires energy! So filtering that out means less work is needed. 

Visualize a box in what energy goes in one way, is pushed through and gets out without said bad things. Filter shielding might require a number of filters on a row, much like how in nature water is filtered and cleaned. 

In nature water goes down into the earth, through a few layers of ground and sand with pebbles and finally pours out much cleaner. 

Think of your box the same, energy goes in top, then goes through a number of filter layers, ending out much cleaner. It might come out like a clear enough quick running syrope. 

Yet just as nature this takes time. So you are probably stuck in the same location for a while as you do this. Train Travel, or bus travel if that is common in your area means you are stuck in an area and got the time. So using slower methods to feed make sense. 

Make sure energy is captured in something, like a cup made of energy, so you can sip from it. And take it slow and enjoy the ride. 

Time and Experience

As you get experience and your gifts awake some things seem ever so easy or obvious. But this depends on the person, there is innate needs and ways to deal with it. And yes it helps to learn things guided. 

In the beginning life is pretty darn harsh though for a psy vampire or a hybrid. Not to mention sanguinary vampires. But those have other teachers. 

My suggestion is to learn basic shielding techniques and use that as crude and basic filters. That way you can decide what energy you feed on and what you won’t. Keep a dairy, find good feeding grounds, and learn to keep track of your own energy levels. So that you feed on time! A dairy is bound to help with that. If required create your own little secret language of signs that you can put aside normal dairy entrances. 

The Fuel-tank

So how do you know how much energy you have? That takes experience. See it as a fuel tank on a car, it only lasts so long. So you need to check its level every once in a while at least. And, if you have a very busy time you might have burned up more energy. 

Learning your energy body will mean you can see ahead when you need to have fed. And keep healthy and sane. 

Personally I can do a pressure test, much like a blood pressure test. I try to compress my energy system, a within a certain range, and I measure its reaction. If it goes very easy it probably means I am running low. If it shows much tension then a lot of energy pours through my internal system and systems should be fine. Another way is to learn to recognize your hunger…