Author: Masticina Akicta
Date: 9 September 2021
What is Feeding from Elements
Did you know that psy vampires and energy workers can feed from the earth and the trees, or thunderstorms. You might feel giddy around thunderstorms and feel energized. Nature indeed has a lot of energy to offer. And some of that energy can be fed upon.
For many psy vampires feeding from nature is a secondary option. Not all vampires can do this, not all psy vampires can do this and the gains are different then feeding from mainly human life energy. It simply is not the same. But it is good having an alternative ready if the worst situation hits.
During the early phases of Covid with its long lock-downs my human energy resources were dwindling. I would travel by public transport you see, so easy energy!
The COVID diet was forced it upon me, meaning munching trees, and I find that it simply couldn’t fully fill the hunger and needs. You survive on it but don’t thrive on it. A glass half full isn’t the right word for it. Trees just don’t fill you up as much. A thunderstorm though can be delicious but the afterglow doesn’t lasts long. Worse when those thunderstorms go by and not over you.
The Hunger
The hunger drives us to seek sustenance, be it through blood or energy. And psy vampires have ways to get energy indirectly, from distance and certain locations. Just go to the right place at the right moment. A bar, a disco, the local super-mall or train-station. Wherever many people share a smaller area for a long time. Energy is around, this is called Ambient Feeding.
Yet in the days of COVID with restricted travel and people working in their own houses where possible such wells have dried up. And even now, in many places life hasn’t started up fully so it is so hard to connect with people.
About Frequencies
Everything has a frequency, earth has a very slow one, trees got slow ones, thunder has quick ones. And humans have certain frequencies. I would say that vampires have a different frequency then most humans as part of their own nature. Thing is it is easier to pull down frequencies than to raise them. This makes feeding from storms much easier than feeding from trees. You can feed from trees, but it is a slower thing as the energy moves slower.
There are methods to use energy constructs to raise the frequency. Or one simply has to be out in nature quite a bit longer.
Using constructs it works much like a batdetector, an adjusted radio lowers batsound down to our hearing range.
Another much slower way it so to let the energy get to you, slowly, as nature goes. This takes a much longer time! You probably will need to learn a few new tricks in meditation among the way to get there.
Mostly an alternative
I won’t go all hippie on you, in my eyes nature feeding, the slower ways. Is mostly an alternative to our inner needs for human living energy. Prana, Chi, Ki. That is the stuff. And some things like trees, nature, are too slow to be really a permanent solution. I would more call them a backup if all other options run out.
Potential for survival, but not thriving. The highs are simply not there.
Yet if you have to survive you take what you get.
How To
Many vampires will just enjoy sitting outside, or inside, watching a thunderstorm, a huge rain or other strong weather patterns. Allowing the energy to pour into them.
But if it is a lower type of energy, like trees and earth, then it takes longer.
Unless one uses constructs to raise the frequencies. Think bat detector but then the other way around. One has to be out there in nature for a long time, mentally connect with it and let it give you some energy slowly.
Note: Do not overfeed of specific trees or an area. Nature needs the energy itself to survive. An overfed tree might get sick and die.
- How did you deal with Covid and the lock downs so far?
- Did you find any alternative source of energy to work out for you?
- Did your need for coffee rise up hugely too?
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