Get ready boys and girls because today I will teach you how to filter-feed. Well, part of it is something you self have to work out as you need certain skills that develop over time.
But once you have those seemingly basic skills you can adopt such to improve your methods feeding.
I will teach you Filter Feeding. A method to feed without directly targeting someone, instead you take from an area. This means, ethically seen, that you haven't hurt anybody. And if you get to read up till the end you learn that you have done well for nature.
I hope you all can see the image. I had to draw something up quickly and I am not much of an artist.
Reality 1: Every living thing gives off energy, it is thrown out and like trash isn't connected to the person anymore. It is just trash. Given the time it will dissolve into the earth again.
Reality 2: More people more energy. An interesting side note, people do influence each other through subtle energy. On a funeral, the energy will be a lot different than at a big rave or metal party.
But in short, most people more energy is left behind hence public places can be very good feeding grounds. I suggest finding feeding grounds like shopping malls, public transport hubs, big feasts, big active dance/bar locations and so on.
Reality 3: The energy left though is very muddy and dirty. It is very nasty energy which I don't suggest that you feed on directly. It can have some very troubling side effects. If you feed at a big rave, even if you don't use drugs yourself... the effect of drugs might leak into you unless you filter! Yes, Psy vampires can get high on feeding on people who are high. Choose your crowd wisely.
Reality 4: This might make you sick, or woozy, or not in control anymore. It can F you up! In the best case, it is like being drunk, high and having popped pills. In the worst case, it just tastes and feels horrible. Again, watch out what you feed on.
Practice 1: Draw the energy through a filter, a sturdy filter that keeps the nasty gunk out. The stuff that makes you sick. Now depending on what you desire you can open up the filter a bit more or close it off more. That is experience and self-training! You need to find out what works for you.
Practice 2: Process the energy, it still is impure and through some refining, you can get out the other gunk and get more pure life energy. That is the stuff you truly want to feed on, the Chi, The Prana, the Life Energy. The emotions can be fun by taste I agree, but sometimes you don't want to get kicked off your socks and just want to get the life energy.
Practice 3: Now you got relative pure Prana/Chi and can drink it without causing weird stuff to your energy system/body. You are in control and sharp. And again, it is up to you to filter out and decide what you keep in the mix you take in.
Practice 4: Be nice to nature, once you are done you have a lot of gunk left. and if it is good some fluid like the stuff you didn't feed on. Now use that fluid stuff to pour it right down into the earth.
And in the end? You leave an area, the energy is much cleaner and you got your fill. Oh, and you didn't hurt anymore.
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