Saturday, May 11, 2019

What is a Human Living Vampire?

What is a Human Living Vampire?
Writer: Masticina Akicta
Date: 11 May 2019

Human Living Vampires are humans, who are born, grow up, get sick, need normal food and do all the usual things. They get jobs, get married, get children and one day will die. So they are not immortal, not undead and can walk out in the sun. Well many of them, there is a slight issues with a disease that sometimes crops up in Human Living Vampires. Except that not everybody with that condition is a vampire. And not every vampire gets it, isn’t life special.

So the basics, a vampire is a person like you. Except a slight issue is that they require just a little extra. Mostly harmless really if well handled. We don’t know how it works either, just that I does and many of us require something extra beyond our normal daily food and activities. Some claim that something is wrong with our energy systems so we either leak or don’t regenerate enough. Or we use more then we usually get, some claim that we are not connected anymore with nature and that we need to feed other ways. There is a lot going on here and a lot of different ideas about how vampires work and what vampires are.

Now the utter basics mean this, a vampire requires besides food, sleep, etc something extra. And there are different types of vampire, though it isn’t a binary switch, but many of our members will fall within a certain category. Mostly depending on the way they feed. The need to feed is what defines vampire, everybody can influence energy. Everybody swims in energy, everybody can drain and give energy off without knowing that they do. If you been to a concert, of the music of your type. Or maybe to church you have been swimming in energy that is released in large crowds. It is also how groups are hypnotized and influenced by the energy around them. Hence everybody takes and every gives, and some can manipulate that easier then others.

The thing is that the vampire is REQUIRED to do it and to take control of it. And just how ethically that is done is a second issue. If a vampire doesn’t keeps well fed, things go bad, how bad? Though vampirism itself won’t kill you lacking its effects will weaken you, open you up to diseases and overall makes you less stable. You might have a bad day, vampires get it worse for longer. And as the energy goes down, a lot gets a whole lot worse.

“Types” of vampires broken down by ways to feed. Because we are one big freaking family anyway;

Sanguinary vampires, or sangivores, feed by taking blood. Don’t be afraid, they use donors! Yes, donors, people who are willing to aid the vampires and feed them. And before you ask further, biting bad, there are safer methods. Sangivores have a lot to deal with when it comes to finding donors and safe methods to feed. Some can feed more methods, some purely through blood. A big group of note is the medsang block.

Medical Sangivore, in what the vampires don’t do the psy stuff, they pretty can’t. They derive something out of the blood of the donors that keeps them ticking because what they need is in the blood.

Psy vampires, these can manipulate energy and draw energy to them through, hard to pinpoint ways. They just can. These are the ones most people are warned for because a Psy vampire that isn’t well fed, can be unstable. And hence act not the smartest. One of the lessons to Psy vampires is also to feed, feed smart and keep track of how much energy you have then all should go smooth. There are different ways to get food which do not require direct consent of people or feed directly from them. And learning them will help you be a nicer vampire. More ethical at least.

Tantric Vampires, did you know that a lot of energy is released during sex. Now you know, and now you know how they found a way to get energy. Fun times with a fun desert following.

Emotional Vampires, some vampires either don’t know yet what they are and haven’t gotten a handle or worse know and are just jerks. And the way they get energy is by being an emotional leech. They always got problems and need help, and the world is out there to hurt them, it is unfair and if only you could help! Now I am not saying that every freaking person like that is a vampire but it is one way to get a lot of energy. Emotional Vampires are very unstable and usually cause fights around them or drama. Stuff around them is never at peace. These vampires usually are early on Psy vampires who haven’t yet learned safer ways to feed. That or they will never change and just stay jerks. Tip for psy vampires, as much fun as drama is, there is also a lot to say about doing good things.

Astral Vampire, another “sub” group. Now I need to explain something, the astral vampire uses astral travel to find willing or unwilling donors, usually unwilling. The astral realm is a weird place, to explain it in short, lets say you have a good friend or someone you love. One of you moves away far, maybe to study, maybe to return home to take care of the parents. So many possible reasons! The physical distance between you and the other person might be far, the astral realm though has no distances. A and B are connected and there is no distance. So an astral energy worker can go wherever they desire. Equally an astral vampire can feed wherever they desire.

I am certain that there are other ways to feed. Sangs and Psy’s are the big block, the others are part of it somewhere under the vampire umbrella.

In Short

So in short, HLV’s are just normal humans with a slight issue, energy issue. They require something special extra, which normally is gained through blood or drinking energy from the surrounding in other ways. There are ethics, teachings, ways to do it safely and a community that tries to keep it rolling, serving a small community of vampire, donors and friends. We are mere a small society that lives in the shadows, partly because we might run out of sunblock and partly because media is crazy. The moment you mention vampire, you have to run away from the glitter. That movie has done so much… ugh.
Every human living vampire is an individual and different. And has to deal with different problems and situation. But at least we have a core of methods that usually work and keep us sane and healthy. And maybe one day, science will learn precisely what went wrong.

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