Monday, December 28, 2020

December 2020 Update

Author: Masticina Akicta 

Date: 28 December 2020

Looking Back

Happy Holidays? Eh! And let's end this year! I didn't have many postings this year. What can I say, Covid, busy with other projects. Stuff happens! 

But I had a few nice posts. 

  • February 23 I had a post about the different roles within the vampire community. The role we tend to float into, not rigid, but take parts off. 
  • March 29 I had a post about Covid and Ethical Feeding for Psy Vampires. Aka how to feed safe during this horrible situation. 
  • April 19 I talked about Covid and the vampire Community.
  • June 23 I wrote about how Summer was in the Town. Ah yes vampires as the sun, aren't we happy about that! 
  • July 31 I wrote about Vampires, Donors and Covid. Yes covid again. Isn't it lovely how shot this year was! 
  • August 28 I looked back on a peaceful summer
  • August 28 I also wrote about Vampire Awakenings, an useful topic
  • September 22 it was all about finding your Tribe. An useful thing to know within such a big community.
  • October 2nd it was about the Age of Fear! How covid was putting us against each other even worse then the years before! 
  • October 18 there was a post about the Nightside Identity, an useful thing to have for most of us!
  • November 9th, Elections and Energy. Or in short how the energy around that time was INSANE! As if Eris was having a tea party!
  • Ending the year with November 17 talking about how Boxes are for Cats. In short, how labels are useful but we should not try to fit in a box that wasn't made for us. 

Feelings about this month

December is not a great month for me. Due to personal life and some long standing memories. I always take a nice break in December. I don't like how this month easily falls apart and nothing makes sense anymore. Not to mention the last two weeks are lost and one has to deal with suddenly extra "free" days. Free isn't the right word as society has expectations of such days. 

Also the amount of food one has to get in the house, the preparations. I am not a fan of doing a lot of work for a holiday. Like this Holidays should be about relaxation; not about having to run like an idiot to get things done in time, make sure you got enough food in house for the days you can't shop, being sure you are on time with all the long term issues and so on. Also this year was even more fun due to Covid limitations. In short my mood was shot! Blog posts written on a bad mood are not that good.

Things in the Short Que

There are a few upcoming topics I want to post about. Can't make promises but a few should be worth it.

For instance I am still working on a post about awakening the sense as an addition to the sixth senses article. 

There is an article about Prana/Chi/Life Energy. Which needs some more research! I don't like to make things to deep but this needs a few hooks. 

I have an article in the short que about Vampirism and Paganism. Aka, vampires and the witchcraft/energy/pagan community. I am sure we all see how that goes at times. 

I am also looking at a nice basic book list. So new vampires, and awoken ones, can get  a short list what books they probably want to read. 

There is a nice one, feeding from nature, aka munch on trees. Or also known as the Covid Diet! 

And a few more which I need to see if I want to keep. It is always good to have a few articles around that might be published on this blog, or work on ideas flowing from them instead. 

In short I have some topics for blog ahead of me. Just need the energy and mental space to get it done. Also some require research! And I am terrible with research!

Ideas Floating around

I have a few ideas floating around. Which if I can get things to work might get running. Like a Podcast, but that would be a lot of work, a lot of preparation, a lot of finding out just what makes sense to do. And of course who I can invite over as guest. The technical Issues alone will be a lot. And coming year I have a few things to get running in my personal life too. So yeah, at least I can lay the ground work right?

2021 Ahoy

I hope that 2021 quickly brings an end to Covid and that soon enough our world is sane again and functional. That we all can have an as normal life again as possible. 

Still I hope that the lessons of 2020 remain in the back, we did learn to do things different. And some ideas might not be that bad. I didn't mind having to do certain things from home. And just as in War, technology tends to change quickly when shit hits the fan. 2020 was one of those years! And we grew quickly. I got in contact with quite a few people online which else I would never have. Count your blessings! 

So on 2021! May it bring good to many! 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Boxes are for Cats


Author: Masticina Akicta

Date: 17 November 2020

Boxes are for Cats

Isn't it cute? Getting out a fresh box and the cat will play in it or even sleep in it. Well, that is great for cats but it isn't for us. As cozy as that box might look. 

Putting yourself in a box is giving yourself an identity and limiting yourself based upon such identity. Accepting the walls around you as limitations isn't always the best way. Painting yourself in a corner is neither, that would be the far reaching effect of boxing yourself in. I wonder how schrodingers cat is doing. Ah! Back to the blog-post.

The thing is that just accepting and using a label doesn't means having to use all the trappings of a label. And that there are nuances, differences, and connections you as person can deal with that fall outside said label. 

The Power of Labels

Humans love to label things, tree, air, leaf, dog, cat, box. A label allows our brains to connect things together and give it values. To understand the world better. From young on we are taught how useful labels are. "The Red Ball." We have a ball and it is red! Language and Communication requires labels and identities. 

What does this mean for our community? Within the vampire community we use a certain set of labels to define ourself and to show others in the know what they can expect from us. It is a not so secret handshake, or if using certain words, a secret handshake that allow us to recognize others and understand where they come from.

Sanguinary vampires feed on blood. Psi vampires on life energy, hybrids have a preference for both. Med Sangs try to find out just what in blood makes it work. And Sexual Vampires feed through sexual acts.

Vampire itself means, at least in our inner culture, something different then the books and movies. But it is a term that makes us easier to find. A key that once people have entered the door they can learn more about our community and members. And our plight. 

Labels in short allow us to use words and within the community agreed upon meanings allow us to work together. And of course the expected meaning from outside the community.

Yet using those doesn't mean that all of us don't have individual differences. 

Each of us is different in the end and with different life experiences leading us into the place we ended up. The Label allows us to quicker get another to understand things, but the truth usually is more subtle and it is understood that as individuals we all have our own experience within said label. In short, we don't fill the box equally! Boxes can differ, even if all are labeled Banana. How we deal with things and just what it means to us can differ, even within the same label. But on average we can agree that some labels have an use to pull us together.

The Power of Community

Communities drive us to work together, learn, study, support and teach others. For that we have learned to use certain language, labels. And yes with that from the outside it seems as if certain archetypes show up. The Labels, boxes, help us quicker to get insight. But the true insight always takes more time. 

Again, even if we use equal words and agree upon meaning. Just how we are affected by it and how we handle it differs.

The labels help community lead you to where you need to start. But in the end the search will require much inner research.

Finding your Own Identity

What matters is finding ones own Identity. And with that your strengths, weaknesses and of course your requirements to survive. Each of us is different after all but we share in the core many things. And talking to other can make you think, lead you to where you need to seek. Yet equally one is free to research many options. 

That takes time, and with that comes trappings and labels, finding out just what it all means. A Sang who feeds on blood will obviously require methods to feed safely and donors. Also deal with donor and blood safety. So the label sang should at least tell those in the know what you have to deal with. And lead you quickly to resources you need. 

How easy or bad it gets depends on the situation you as individual are in. And every individual is made up of multiple labels if you think about it. Again society loves to label things! 

Everybody is Different

As Brian once said, "You are all individuals." 

Everybody is different and yet we have many things in common. And we can find ourselves in those common realities. Just remember, the experience of one person doesn't has to be yours. Meaning that ones person easy way to get food might not work too well for someone else who doesn't has access to donors. Or the experience of a Psy vampire can and usually will be quite different from a sang vampire. Even among psy vampires the different methods and situations we are in make the insight we require different.

So keep your eyes and ears open and accept that everybody is on another path. Yet, through our common problems we can help each other out with advice and teachings. 

So when a new member shows up within the community the labels lead them to the place that they might find help. Yet in time they also should understand that they are more then just that label. And that everybody has their own issues and things to deal with. 

Strength through Diversity

Which leads me to this part, strength through Diversity! Differences lead to different ways of thinking, different strengths and weaknesses and yes also different needs. Meaning different solutions to fix problems and through working together and sharing insight the community reaches a better way to guide those who are new. 

This is for good and bad, disagreements are normal. But in the end we need to work together as a small community!

Teachers are Guides and so are You.

Other vampires can hand you information, show you the way to find information. Talk with you about the veracity of information you found and even safely teach you many useful skills. 

But you should be in command as student. And understand that every teacher is also a student in a long path through life. There are many new method and things you might be able to share with the community. 

I leave you with these words, remember your own identity and don't let others rewrite it. Instead grow into your true self and learn many new things. 

Monday, November 9, 2020

About Elections and Energy

Author: Masticina Akicta

Date: 9 November 2020

About Elections and Energy

Elections are a part many of societies. At least in many societies that claim to have freedom. Lets be fair there are elections in China but with only one party it is a bit of a sham isn't it! 

This post is about how Election Time can lead to very strange energies. Very opposite, you versus them. Pitting people against each other and leading to huge ruptures in society and throughout such the world of energy we create. Energy that can be felt far away.

Psychic Radio

Those who are psychically sensitive, like psychic vampires, do receive energy like a radio. The energy is out there like the radio signals, but not everybody can pick them up and understand them. Witches, Psychics, and Psychic Vampires by their nature become much more capable of picking up that energy. To the point that it can get too much for us.

And this years election in America was a hell. It felt as if the earth was screaming. And as if everything was aflame. Think a million voices screaming at the same time bad.

Empathic Wavelengths

Feelings can ripple through the system too. Many times I had to ask myself are these my own thoughts and feelings or someone else. One has to be sure to protect themselves against those effects.

How stronger the emotions how harder it is to stay neutral yourself. And trying to ground and shield all that away isn't unloving, but one has to defend oneself too. That means at times taking oneself out of the situation. 

This election I felt and tasted a lot of fear and anger. The society was lashing out, fearful, ripping and biting. Not strange that things happened. The level of inner pain was beyond anything I have dealt with before. And trying to not be taken by it was hard. For my own mental health I definitely took a few days off. 

The Storm Front

Yes, that title, I know. As the year rose, Covid perked up and forced huge changes upon society. And cause huge damage a rising cloud of pain, anger, distrust rose up and turned into one of the worst looking storm clouds I ever felt. To say that it was oppressive would be a nice way of saying it. 

Around Saturday after the voting the chance of rain was rising quickly. And on Sunday it all broke out raining away so many things. By now the energy feels cleared again, cleaner... there are still fires here and there burning. Pain that will take long to go away. But it feels like after a big rain cloud. And energy is not oppressive anymore but rising. 

Financial Potential

I live in Europe. So down to the point, I have no vote in the American election. I can at most like or dislike a potential candidate. And American politics always comes over as insanity to me. It must be strange living in a country where there are only two parties effectively. And they always fight each other.

I know enough people though who are directly or closely affected by it. And in Europe our trade and growth is also connected with world trade and agreements. So whoever is president in the USA does affects us strongly.

European Politics tend to like the democratic choice for the ability to co-operate. That is as far as I picked up.


So, the elections are done. Well there is the rumbling of lawsuits, recounts and more. Not to mention a suddenly liking of glitch-hop. But finally they are done. The air is clean again, well cleaner... there is still a lot of work ahead. But from Europe I can say things feel fresh as after a raincloud finally broke out. A few patches of rain are still in the valley. 

Rest Returns

The day after, the earth still drying, the smell of rain still in the air. A silence has risen in. A huge change in energy, from chaotic and ripping at people to more peaceful. At least what I pick up from Europe. 

The Gestalt can be strong indeed. So many people together creating so much energy... 

Lets hope that the future brings many positive things. Things like getting rid of Covid or at least lowering its danger to a common cold. An economy that pulls back up, shops that re-open. People we can meet again and activities that become available again. Positive stuff...

Sunday, October 18, 2020

What is a Nightside Identity

Author: Masticina Akicta

Date: 18 October 2020

So what is a Nightside Identity

A Nightside Identity is a different Identity then you would use for your Family and Work. Much like a mask you would wear, a different name you use of your birth name.  This is done for many reasons, some obvious, some less obvious. 

Why have a Nightside Identity

Because you want your vampire activity not to bleed into the realm where your family or work can find it. Many people within the vampire community are not out of the coffin yet.

 The world can be very judgmental and people finding out you are part of the vampire community might raise questions. Not that legally there is anything bad about being member off the vampire community. It is just that some people are very judgmental and fear things they don't understand. It might affect your job chances or how your family treats you. 

Definitely if you are young, you rather not want to be institutionalized because your family disagrees with things.

It is about Safety Stupid

One of the things that the VC offers is insight in how to get blood, life energy and other things. It has a lot to teach about safe feeding, how to get and keep blood fine and methods that some might feel are troubling.

Just think of how your direct family would handle it if they learn you know a lot about drawing blood. Or knows you got a stacks of of needles. That won't go well with some people!

It would be the talk of the church, or talk in town if the town is small enough.

As much as some vampires can be out in public and teaching people about it. Not all can be out of the Coffin yet. 

There are also some people who want to hurt our community or members who are troubled and might endanger you. If they knew your real identity! 

Being Out and Proud

Some vampires are out, they are known! Usually their job also is within the pagan, occult or vampire community. A place where being not the usual is expected.

Be it writers or connected to jobs that are more open to things. Or at least not judging. Who judges the DJ who seems to have a rather interesting background, if said DJ makes great nights in the club! 

Or members of BDSM clubs who are known to be part of that world by some in the public. 

If a writer or artist is known to be part of the vampire community it can open up communications. Questions to them what the community stands for, what vampirism is and so on. There are good reasons for some members to be public. Obviously not everybody can be out of the coffin yet though. And some will never desire or can be out of the coffin. And that is fine. Safety first!

Out or In

So the question; Is it smart to have the world know about your vampirism and membership of the vampire community? That is up to you.

Obviously a few people will learn but there is a different between being out of the coffin totally or that only a few trusted people know it. 

This is a huge reason why we have a Nightside name, a mask we can wear to keep trouble from reaching our family and friends.

The reason why many strangers slide through the community. Their true name unknown. 

Friday, October 2, 2020

The Age of Fear

  • Author: Masticina Akicta
  • Date: 02 October 2020

The Age of Fear and War

I don't usually dive into semi political issues. As politics divides among everybody, family and friends included. And when we most need each others help we must be able to be there for each other. And be able to see beyond the battle lines we have put in the sand. 

But this is the Age of Fear and War. Not directly outwardly, though to be fair there have been fires and shootings and all kinds of horrible things spreading quickly through society. Huge pressure has released in the last few months in what it all broke down. 

The underlying reasons of such always were there but in the pressure given us by a Covid society it all just exploded out. People are afraid, they lost their jobs, they can't visit their family, parents, etc. Their kids are stuck at home and governments can't even stay on one line what is the best way to do things. 

Creating different groups within society which stand against each other. Much like groups always seem to grow into such existence. After all the whole political system is bound to create boundaries and an US versus THEM feel. To whom do you belong? Who do you support? 

Like a pressure cooker exploding, there always was pressure but took just a little more to break out in such a great wave of energy. Rupturing beyond any potential control. 

This has ruptured society in many ways. Defeating Covid requires working together and trusting each other. People like to work together fighting a common enemy. Nothing congeals a group as quickly as a common enemy. The virus is something we all can't beat on our own. And maybe we can't beat it at all. But we can try or at least lower the damage it can do to us, our friends or family and our societies. We have to try to deal with this disease in an intelligent way. There is little need to scream and attack each other over how we feel about the measures. And I don't believe that any one specific measure can truly win this war. If you could call it a war. But like the wars of old working together each doing their part might just make it work. And as always there are doomsayers.

We have to deal with a society which has changed a lot because of the pressures of covid regulations. Even in countries, where it is mostly cured or didn't come in, Covid is still a haunting ghost. From full lockdowns in what people are only very limited movement, to get food or walk their dog. To very light lock downs which limit certain activities in number of people that can come in. 

We are almost seven months in and this only has been started. A lot will change, a lot will never be the same. 

Who is the Enemy

It seems as if these days the pressure, fear and political influences have made everybody an enemy of everybody else. It has made it very hard to work together and there is tension in the air. 

In writing you have three kinds of enemies, an enemy you can point it like Sauron, Darth Vader, and/or the Emperor. 

There are enemies like nature, an earthquake, a storm, a twister, a vulcano or tsunami. 

And there is the lesser used dark half type of enemy. These are the dark half of the normal person. The shadow side turned into villain. 

So who is the enemy? Obviously COVID is a force of nature. But through our human nature we also have decided that there are other things we can point at. For instance China for being the source of the virus. Each other for not following or blindly following Covid Regulations. There are those who balk at the idea of putting on face masks. And there are those who wear them daily. There are those who eagerly await any potential capable vaccine. And there are those who don't believe in vaccines. 

But also the fear of the unknown, we can't see the virus, we can't see who is infected and possibly can give it to us so inherently it is harder to trust other people. As humanity we like physical contact but by the Covid rules we need to keep a certain distance. And worse these days all of use are masked, due to the face mask laws. Depending on your country of course. Currently in my country they are putting it more in use again after enough people flaunted its use. Look nothing wrong with a facemask. As irritating as they are. 

I shouldn't have to go into how currently politics has put people on a knifes edge. I rather not, that would push this blog post outside of its framing. But it is making working together harder, or at least being humane to each other. I tell you there is a lot of hurt being thrown around.

How othering works

This is quite a simple thing, if you go back to pre school and high school there were bullies. And a bully didn't need much reason to bully you. You wore glasses,  you had a funny accent or a minor speech disability then you might just get bullied. So the simply way to make someone into an "other" is to define yourself and then point at the "other" and point out how different they are. Simple as it is.

On large scale this leads to rather mindless finger pointing and misunderstanding. And of course throwing a lot of emotional bagage around. Kids run on emotions, grown ups usually are more in balance, but sometimes people definitely are not in balance between their Intelligence and Emotion. 

So currently with Covid, you got a number of sides. And that isn't helping any co-operation or working to the end goal. That end goal, somehow beat Covid. Deal with the details later! 

How Fear causes us to act without thinking

So lets talk about Fear, it is a strong survival system. Fear quickly pushes is to fight or flight. Or stand still and try not to be noticed. Fear is an automated thing but it also can be ingrained on an intelligent and emotional level. 

A lot of people are now throwing rather hurting words to each other because they are not thinking it through. They are fearing the situation, they don't understand the situation. And I understand, because there are a lot of things I don't understand or can't do myself. But I try to have some trust in those who have studied for it and are working on the situation. Nobody is perfect, they will mistakes too but I see not reason to jump into a fight over if vaccines work or not. Or be crass to someone because they don't fully agree with us. But have we even listened?

If we only listen to our fears and emotions we make very bad choices. Or even non choices. 

Society Breaking Down

Another thing is that the expected systems are breaking down. Things we had now might only exist under other rules. We lost a lot, even the countrie that still have certain shops open or can offer certain entertainment have to deal with stricter rules. 

And the first two months everybody quickly found out just how rotten it is to be stuck in home and not being able to do anything of use. In my country we could get food, and buy a few things at the stores that still opened. BUT many things were just shut down,  until a few months later new strict covid regulations came out and those business could open again under stricter rules. 

In certain places society has been put on halt, which means it isn't only lack of entertainment, which is a first thing to fall away, the luxuries. But also no jobs in certain sectors, no travel, no things beyond trips like food and basic requirements. This is driving people insane. They have lost a lot! 

And let's not go into the ever lingering tensions that even in the best days of society always where boiling under the surface. They are now all out! 

What can we do to stay Sane

First of all decide what is important to you and how far outside of such you willing to go temporarily. Your friends and family should come first. YOU first, than your family and friends. And only then those in the layers around it. Because you can't wear the weight of the world upon your shoulder. 

As the world burns around us all, we need to decide what is most important to us and protect those people. Because you can't protect everybody and you can't help everybody.

Sometimes we need mentally a day off, a day of peace. To recharge ourselves before we can to out there again in the storm that batters down on all of us.

I can suggest not to watch the news, or follow anything too crazy. Because there are things you can influence, things you can't influence and things that influence you. 

And if you can't influence it, maybe you shouldn't deal with it mentally either.

What we can do to help those close to us

It isn't odd to have a group of trusted friends and family. A small tribe, a tribe that protects each other and aids each other. That understands that they can't change the world all on themselves, and it isn't always their job. Their job is to protect their members and offer safety in dark times.

But be careful some tribes are more dangerous then others and will try to use you for their own goals. So, don't be blind. Be smart! If you feel that something is wrong in a tribe, be ready to leave it. 


The most important thing is listening. We don't listen anymore, we don't take the time to sit with others and listen. Listening is not the time you take actively listening, but it is also understanding someone from their position. Their life, their viewpoint, why do they think or do as they do. Because if you can't understand you more easily turn them into the "other" and othering lies at the core of many fights. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Finding your Tribe

Author: Masticina Akicta

Date: 22 September 2020

Entering a new Home

You move through the places of the internet, local area or meet people with the same interest. Maybe it is your sexuality, faith, or even something simple as your like for a sports team. You meet others of equal mind and insight. Maybe you are young and seek teaching, or a place among people who understand your situation where your family might not. A tribe is not always family or those predefined, but one that gathers together through law of attraction.

Home is a feeling, you know it when you find it. You just feel this is right. 

What is a tribe

A tribe is a group of people. We used to live in tribes, in small villages, Farm areas either we owned the area or as serfs to those in power. You can find small villages everywhere. These things are tribes. 

A church also can be a tribe, people know you and that share good and bad times. They are not direct family but through the group of faith you are bound. For good or for bad. 

And a tribe also can be online these days. So much is online, and Covid has made that even more obvious to many.  In the "good old days" manyh things were offline.. As long as there is a shared interest and reason to be there for each other to accept each other as member of an extended family. There is a tribe.

The Good and the Bad

Tribes come with good and bad things, sad but true. Some tribes help younger members out to deal with their situation, identity and allow them to grow in safety. They have teachings, insights and more.

But tribes also can become cults where your own ideas become wrong-think. And where you better follow someone else command/lead else you are evil. 

This is the problem every group has, how do you keep it inviting and deal with the influence without being corrupted by it. 

There is a saying "There were is power, there is corruption." And in many places such is showing. But a good leader tries to make sure such corruption has little to no chance. Ah that is another topic though.

Lets just say that it is hard for tribes to always stay as they originally were created. Sometimes they are co-opted as old leaders disappear, sometimes the leaders use false-words to draw people in. And sometimes the tribe is just a cult. 

What does this mean for the vampire community

So within the vampire community the Tribe is a place where others accept you as you are. As a vampire, donor, or swan.  Where there can be discourse, we can teach each other, we can learn things. Where we can talk with others about the troubles we are having. And many solutions are within the grasp of members.

The tribe has information, knowledge for those seeking it. We have older vampires who have been through things before, young vampires still learning and those facilitating groups.

But also some groups are more for drama and news sharing. MAYOR events! Not as much for calling it a home. But around the big busy city in what we connect with each other and share information and news. We have our own cozy little tribes that we call home. In a culture of cats it is almost inevitable that hissy fits will break out. Or big fights, or people will try to abuse power. It just is inevitable. 

What makes a tribe your home?

A tribe should feel safe, inviting, caring and understanding. It should offer things that can help you grow and get stronger and learn many things. And over time grow into a role to aid others who are fresh into the tribe. No matter the age everybody who finds their tribe within the vampire community will learn through time just what that specific tribe offers.

They are bound to find others who know more, and have tips, insight, and hopefully long term support.

The Power of Archetypes

Nobody is 100% an Archetype, they are mere tools, pure types of personalities and what they do. But many archetypes are pretty common, the teacher for instance teaches others. The Leader leads the group, the healer heals those who are hurt and so on. And you'll notice that as you survive longer in a tribe and definitely within the vampire community that you'll find your place among others. A seat to take in a way, you might find that you want to teach others and protect them above the other things. Or you have skills that help organize things and seem to make you a natural leader.

Every vampire once was young and knew little, some had a family who had vampires or understood vampirism to the point that they could teach their kids. But not all had. 

And if one finds their way finally to the vampire community and one of the little tribes where one can get training one soon enough. Donors and black swans find hopefully a little tribe where it is safe too. Safety over all. 

We grow into our roles to end up keeping an eye on groups to make sure the new members are safe and learning. And all is fine. 

Archetypes are bound to shine through. Some will roll into leadership positions, other teachers, other researchers, other support networks and more. We are all connected in that weave of thinking.

Leaving the Tribe

Sadly reality is that not always a tribe is good for you. There are many reasons why a tribe might change. For instance if the tribe turns poison, if it works like a cult and tries to extinguish all own thought and personality to be replaced with "right-think." If a tribe automatically deems you wrong and judges you without knowing truly who you are. 

Or you might just not feel at home. What if you are a psy vampire in a tribe of medsangs. And you really don't have much touching grounds with their topics and vice versa. Then maybe it is better to find a tribe that is mixed, or has vampires of all types.

I highly suggest that, diversity is strength after all. Mixed Communities always seem to have an answer on situations.

Retaining Yourself

It is important that in the end you retain your own identity even if one shares connections with others in a tribe. You are an individual, with your own strengths and weaknesses and that can be added to said tribe. Nobody is perfect and within our communities and with our nature hissy fits can happen. Just remember to retain your own identity.


And that is just it, whatever you do, don't lose yourself and remember to be safe and smart. In the end we are responsible for our own actions.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Vampire Awakenings

Author: Masticina Akicta

Date: 28 August 2020

A new age

Your voice deepens, your body changes, you begin to feel odd emotions and hair grows places... oh wrong fact sheet. 

*looks through the pile of papers* Young vampires do go mentally and bodily through a stage that might look a bit like this. An awakening can be rough! 

You Are Different

So you are different then others. Let me tell you a secret, everybody is different then others one way or another. There are so many things that make someone different that it isn't strange to be "off" the linear path. 

The thing is, vampirism isn't really well known or even accepted. Though through time we have gotten enough information out that it has gotten from being seen as an insane outsider to, just weird. Yet that depends on who we are talking about.

Lets just say it this way, there is a reason why not everybody needs to know about your condition. At a point if you want a donor it helps a lot. And you might need to find a way to get your family to accept that you wear darker clothes*, sunglasses and suncream. [* Or at least covering clothing that bounces off the light and makes sure the UV won't hit you!]

That is not a fashion statement, that is how we deal with the issues it usually comes with. I say usually, how strong we get these side effects differ. The trick is that not everybody has to know the core truth behind it all. After all not everybody is willing to accept our nature. Some would send us to the psychiatrist or the likes. So make certain changes in smart ways.

To be fair, I was sun sensitive as hell as young child. So when I got to black clothes and sunglasses it was kinda expected. Even these days I wear darker clothes, not all black but dark enough so it absorbs a lot of the light. 

The thing, YOU are different, and that is fine. Finding ways to survive and fit within groups is something you'll have to work with your whole life. Get used to it! 

What is an awakening

In short it is learning what you are and learning how to handle it. It begins with waking up to odd needs and odd nature that seems so unlike most around you. And then you find our community and many are like you, in certain ways.

 It is your energy system shifting into full gear and you suddenly gaining insight and in time you might get control over it. The hunger pours through you, you feel stronger yet also weaker. And something in you whispers to find food. Get used to it, it will always be with you. 

And no it doesn't just last 6 years and you get a piece of paper that says you are awesome. It lasts a damn lifetime as your energy needs keep changing as you age. Learning more and more what your energy being means to you and what needs to gives. 

Like puberty it definitely hits hard in the beginning. It can hit like a brick wall, with all such entails. Hunger rising, strange feelings, mayor energy shifts and stuff happening that you simply don't understand. And just like puberty you better get used to it.

An awakening isn't a fixed time period. It is finding out things and beginning to understand just what is happening. And every energy sensitive being had their own, but vampires, well we got a harsh one. A hunger that lives deep inside of us.

Also it can happen early in your life but also later. So unlike puberty there isn't really a fixed time when it should hit. Some people only learn about their energy condition much later. Others know it very young. 

The need for blood, life energy or other ways to feel good again will be strong in you.

Rough years ahead

So you are hit with the hammer, welcome to life. Rough years ahead, but it doesn't has to be done alone. To make it easier for yourself you can learn the basics and have experienced vampires to talk to. But to do that you need to find active communities and others willing to take time for you. Teach you the basics, the ethics and the way to stay healthy.

People willing to support you, even accept that at times you still act rash, as any young vampire would. And that you need time to adjust. 

Hell you might even want to seek for a cure, I give you a hint, so far we found none that works permanent or makes us "fully normal functioning" whatever that means. We can learn to deal with our condition though and survive. 

Being a vampire means you are stuck with it. And making your own life a bit easier by learning the ropes and connecting up with the right people to help you along. You don't have to do this alone, even if you are having to deal with all this stuff. Many did go through much of the same before you and not only survived but also thrived. You can do also! But it will take time and (self)training.

What experienced vampires can do

First of all patience. I know, young just awoken vampires can be a bit caustic and rough like 80 grid sandpaper. But weren't most of us like that too? And how many of us were born in families or groups where other vampires could teach them? Indeed! So a bit of patience and accepting that they will make a mistake at times is part of it. Like watching a toddler run, then fall, cry, get helped up then run again. Once we all were the toddler!

So if possible be patient, and show new members where to go for help or information. True, not everybody has the same function within a group, some of us are more suited in helping others directly. But at least know where you can send vampires to for the right help. We are more powerful if we work together. 

And maybe you are not trained or experienced in specific needs for a just awakening vampire. For instance, you are a sanguinary vampire and you meet a young psy vampire. Then send them the way to the psy's that can aid him/her. And vice versa.

My Awakening

You don't really put all those years in a tiny end of a blog post. But it is fair people learn about it. 

In short, rough, chaotic at times painful. I didn't have vampires around me so I only had the online community. So yeah I have been there, and I know how rotten it can be. So the need for the community to offer teachings and aid is obvious. Best is to find a trust-able group or community that can offer both teachings and a kind of family.

Your Future

So, there you are, where do you end up? Where will you go? What help will you find? What long term friendships might you end up with. And just what will this all mean to you.

That is for you to find out.

A Peaceful Summer

Author: Masticina Akicta

Date: 28 August 2020

Summer of Peace

Those who have been around in the Vampire Community long enough all know summers. It is when young people have vacation and more time for other stuff. So usually a glut of young people roll into our communities. In search for different things. 

And in some years it is more then other years. Depending if a movie or book with vampires got hot or not. 

I can tell you, vampires in fiction aren’t doing that well lately so we are in a slow time for people coming in through such desires.

New and Interested

Most people rolling into our communities are young. Some just love vampire books and movies, some are rebelling teens/young grown ups. And yes some actually are vampires or connected to our communities in ways that they stick. 

The thing is the ones that come in for the cool factor usually leave within a week or two. Our communities can be rather boring if there is no drama, no fights, no problems.

Don’t get me wrong, the vampire community and drama go together. But it isn’t always there. And a lot of older members are quick happy they don’t have to deal with drama all the time. We seen it before, we will see it again.

The Type of visitors we get

The word vampire itself has quite an allure. And like a flame attracts moths, we attract visitors of all kinds. 

The young vampire fiction lover; He/she loves the fiction, the clothing, the world, the powers, the everything. These usually don’t last long once they learn we deal with the human vampire version not the movie vampire version.

The bored ones; Like above, but less a fan of vampires but just bored and in search for something nice. Vampires draw drama right? Right? Not always! Boring human living vampires tend to scare them away.

The Researchers; Fun lot, wanting to know more, learn more. And our bigger community is open to having researchers around. If they ask nicely and behave. After all many of our members desire secrecy for good reasons.

The Troll; Every community draws trolls, it is inevitable. It is almost as If every community has a bridge somewhere. They usually don’t stay long once they learn how boring it really is. 

The Young Vampire; The reason many communities have an open door policy. Young vampires need to learn the basics, the ethics, the safety. The ways to feed and be safe to themselves and others. Having access to older vampires helps them along the road much quicker. 

The Otherkin; Inevitable an non-vampire otherkin will show up. But with their own communities being rather small they understand the position better. And many are quite respectful. If not seeking something the vampire community cannot fully offer. 

The Know-It-Better; No matter how short they have been part of the community they know it better. Fun lot, because usually they are dead wrong. But they simply know it better. And with that kind of mentally set off a lot of members who just want to feel safe and part of a family. So don’t last long before a moderator ushers them out.

What we offer

Knowledge and a Family. To young vampires and those just waking up to their reality we offer a place they are understood and offered insight and knowledge. Depending on the specific community you can find different things. Some are made for research.

Yes, we do research, the med-sang community. The Medical Sanguinary aka pure blood feeder community for instance does research into blood. How to store blood for longer, where to find it and of course Donor Safety.

The other community, due to its different ways of feeding is more spread in the ways of tries to improve things. But even there some basic methods are well known and there is materials one can find about these ways. Ways to feed, cleanse, filter and some extra little things. Tricks to make things easier.

Peaceful Summers are good news

I like peace. I used to jump in the chaos and drama. Free energy. But these days I do like to enjoy a bit of peace and “family” time. Be among friends and not have to deal with a lot of trouble. You get older you know. 

Also projects go a lot better if you don’t have to fight of trouble. 

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Vampires, Donors and COVID19

Author: Masticina Akicta

Date: 30 July 2020

The World has changed

A few months ago I wrote the first version of this blog post but I didn’t post it. And now a lot has changed. By now it is obvious that the world has changed, and a new hopefully temporal normal exists. One that has a virus going round and things closed off and opening again. Depending where you life the world might have changed quite a bit.
I am lucky enough that here things are half open. With adjustments and extra rules things have been made possible again. But no big events, no parties, limited travel and so on. This has been quite an issue for many of us psychic vampires.

My usual diet was train rides, free floating energy, filtered and treated then the muck was send into earth. After I was done in a busy train-station or train the energy was a lot cleaner. 
But with travel limited and even now it is allowed it isn’t suggested to do so. Sure now it is open, partly, but for quite a few months I had no feeding grounds. And that wasn’t great. 

Yes the limitation on travel on itself sucked, but not even having a good ground to feed was worse.

Being adaptable I made a few adjustments. The new rules meant that an electric bike suddenly was a really good idea. It wasn’t cheap I tell you but it can get you far and still decently fresh. And being out there in nature for a while has given me some kind of food-light. Natural energy, it isn’t as nice as human energy, but it works for now. 

But that is me, lets talk about Donors! 

A Donors needs

As the disease is still on every bodies minds we have to get to the reality that for sanguinary vampires things got a lot worse. No travel, and donors that also need their blood/energy to retain health. In short, things are running dry for many vampires.
And donors needs as always should be kept in mind. 
As pointed out the travel limitations will make it impossible for some vampires to meet their donors. And even if the limitations lighten up a bit the question is for how long and how safe it is to travel. 
I can tell you one thing, the buses are far from full, same for the trains. 
As we are all stuck in this situation the question rises, how are we going to deal with this?

Dealing with Less Energy

Vampires need energy, need blood, need resources. But many of use have had times we hadn’t fed for a while, we ran low, and so on. The problem as we know is that our ability to fight off disease is partly bound by our energy. So if we are low the chance that a virus, disease or something kicks us down is the worst. I won’t judge anybody here, we all are in this situation. And we all have to deal with it our own ways. And you NEED to feed a point to stay healthy. That is a given!
If possible finding less usual ways to get energy might help one to survive. 
I moved to earths energy, it is slow, doesn’t tastes nice, but all in all I survive on it. Thrive? Not sure, survive yes. I still would prefer feeding at a dance party.


I got no true answers that help us all. And since so many vampires feed differently this is a topic we should talk about. The comments on this blog are open BUT I understand if you want to keep it within the discords and safe groups this is shared instead. After all we gotta be safe! 

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Summer is in Town

The Summer is in Town

Author: Masticina Akicta
Date: 23 June 2020

Summer is in Town

So the Summer has arrived, though this country luckily also offers days of gray and wind many of the days are about the sun shining. To many that is a good thing, to some like me it isn’t. It is the time we make sure we have enough UV cream, clothes that block out the sun and have to plan when we go outside.
To some Summer is a great thing, to others the day-star’s oppressive rays and heat are bad. Yet you can’t change the reality that summer is in town.
Today is a Tuesday and UV readings are reaching 8. Meaning one can burn easily within fifteen minutes unprotected.

UV Cream and Sunglasses

A common tool among vampires is UV cream and sunglasses. In my country it can get up to UV level 8, which is pretty powerful. If you go by the calculations of the exposure.
My skin is between 100 and 200 and how quick is burns. Which means that exposed to UV levels 1 [aka winter levels] I can be unprotected out for 100 to 200 minutes. But as 8 hits it is closer to 13 to 25 minutes unprotected. Luckily we have UV cream to make that longer. But even then I do get headaches and can overheat easy in the hot weather. That is why I like to stay inside and move activities into the morning or evening. Like a smart person would. Not to mention the little red heat blots showing up on my skin.
And you think clouds help, oh no, on a cloudy day you still can get level 6 exposure or more. So that is something you need to learn to deal with. Even seemingly innocent summer days can be bad news. That bottle of UV cream will be useful.
Don’t forget clothing that blocks off some of those rays.

UV Formula

I shall repeat the formula here:
The skin factor is how quick you burn or how long you can stay outside unprotected. Mine is between 100 and 200. But some have closer to 50 and others are closer to 300. It depends on your skin color and how it reacts. And yes some have closer to 0 due to skin conditions.
In the middle of the winter with UV power 1 I can be out there for 100 to 200 minutes unprotected. No troubles!
In the summer though with UV at 8 that time is cut short. By its factor 100/8 = 12 minutes and 200/8 = 25 minutes. Quite simple isn’t it?
And you can find out the UV factor on that day and area by checking the daily weather. On a good weather reporting website they also mention the UV factor.

But what if we apply UV cream. And lets say it is UV 30. And lets say that we apply it well enough to get at least half its value. [People almost never put enough UV cream on for full protection].

(200/8)*15= 375 minutes protected outside.

Simple isn’t it? Check the weather status what UV is doing, apply strong enough UV cream and most of us should be fine to a point. The sun still irritates.

Midday's in the Shadow

In the top of the midday it is the hottest, the sun is fully out. It is when I usually am inside hiding pretty much from the day star. I can go out, I don’t burst in flames, it just feels very wrong and I have a limited time I can be outside.
Being inside somewhere in the shadow is my way. I got a sister who is the other way around always trying to find the sun or even go on vacation in Sunny Countries. And yet here I am always thinking how the sun and UV will handle things. Always making sure I am inside or somewhere in the shadow. And keep an eye on the time and have UV cream with me. Yes, I can handle SOME sun but I don’t feel right with it at all.


As said before it is worth repeating. Sunglasses are the key. A good set of sunglasses can help you survive outside. Of course glass goes over plastic here, as the cheapest sets you can buy usually are plastic. And a decent enough coating should do wonders.


And lets not forget to drink enough water or healthy drink of your choice to replace what you have lost. Food is something you can fix later, but water or something like that is definitely going to help you out. Drink enough water, definitely in the hot summers. A refillable bottle of water can do wonders against potential headaches.

Mornings and Afternoons

The simplest way to deal with it is not to get out during the midday if you don’t have to. If groceries need to be done most of those shops are also open in the afternoon or morning. Setting off the right time can spare you the worst. Not to mention, it usually is a bit more silent in the stores around certain times.
Plan your day well and stay inside during the worst, if you can.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Covid and Me

Covid and Me

Author: Masticina Akicta
Date: 27 April 2020

When Covid Strikes at home

Though I am not sure if this is Covid it certainly seems to be like a case. Before you ask, testing is still limited to certain groups, people that either work in high danger zones, or have complications. So getting tested isn’t really into sight for most of us. But I go by the symptoms and though I still can get out of bed, do the basic things in life. Just with a less air and energy. And a cough that feels suck in my, and lungs that feel weaker.
It being about 5 days ago when I got a little cough. I didn’t trust it so I kept an eye on it. And made sure nobody would come into the house, just to be sure. And this couch in a day or three grow out to one that was stuck. And in the weekend it began to affect my breathing.
So to be sure I called it and got into a self-imposed quarantine and have enough people keeping an eye on me.


Some of you might call me lucky, these symptoms are light with me but they are there. Shorter of breath, that cough stuck I the throat. Less energy and always a whisper of a headache. I have been tracking my temperature for days it has only gone up a tiny bit, nothing to really get worried about. It is there, I feel it, but it is weak and I keep track of how bad or good I feel every day. It goes up and down as it seems my body is fighting it.

Support Network

I don’t stand alone though, there are others who keep an eye on me. Sure they can’t visit me but they do call almost every day and they offer support, for instance bringing some food for a few days now I really am stuck at home. Situation being I don’t keep food for many weeks in the house, cooler space limited. I already did that as much as I could. But you only can keep so much food in the cooler. And sure cans are possible but then I still would have had to bought those cans a before this all struck.

About healing and sensing

To know is to feel, if one is sick one can feel it, at least some are more sensitive to it. Due to other conditions I have learned to listen to my body very well, like a captain of a ship knows all the creeks of the wood. I have found that I don’t do laying in bed for days well. That is not my thing, and things that try to kick me down will have a very hard time. This surely feels heavier then your flu or cold just flying by. This is new and definitely packs a punch. In the last days I adjusted by spending more time on healing and energy handling and a lot less on other things. Yet, as I am always a positive little bit of sunshine I have been quite busy keeping an eye on others.
I am lucky that no preconditions are there to make things a lot worse. I practiced singing you know, I did grow a pretty decent lung capacity from that. And yes if I try to sing right now it definitely is cut short. Or if I move to quick or try to do to much I definitely get a kick down. I listen to such, slowing down and doing what I can with the energy I have.

Hope and wonder

The thing is that I have hope, yes this is worse then your average flu. But so far I am fighting it and though less capable still am pulling ahead. Also, if these symptoms stay this mild and finally drift away there should be a good recovery. And I wonder when the anti body kits are within actual reach.

Next Step

Daily checkup’s, I can suggest to same to all of you. Make sure others are there to check up on you. And keep an eye on how you are doing. How you are feeling. And most important make sure you know that you are not alone. There are hopefully people who can help you out in your own life.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Covid and the vampire community

Covid and the vampire community

Author: Masticina Akicta
Date: 19 April 2020

Situation at hand

The world is at crisis in the begin of 2020. A pandemic is sweeping the world called COVID19, Corona Virus, Wuhan Virus. And no it isn’t just a common cold. This disease is very different and has a much different set of symptoms. A virus capable to kill in the right conditions.
And the world is has moved into lock-down situations and other partial measures. Governments are working on slowing down the spread and rise of the virus. By now it should be already in every corner of the world. The political fights over if the current governments did a good don’t matter right now in March. What matters is slowing down the spread and doing what needs to be done.
The good news, the last pandemic was around 1917, or the first world war and killed 1/3rd of the people. This time we got scientific insight, cures being worked on and much improved health care. But it only works if not to many need help at the same time.

A community changed

We had some fights lately, some troubles, some really nasty events. But now we all have to work together, even if we can’t do it face2face. Spreading the right information, staying in contact with each other and keeping an eye out on any other useful information.
We have members that work in the health-care, members that are part of the industries that have to keep running. And people who are not stuck at home. A huge change has happened with the new rules for society. And it shows just how much we need to work together to survive. Even if by small things.
Also face2face meetings have become about impossible. Travel is severely limited and social distancing keeps people from meeting up. This leads to certain troubles.
People are pulling closer in times of trouble indeed and the virtual meeting spaces have sparked up in activity. We all just don’t want to feel alone in this time of trouble.

House waiting it out

Houses, the hubs for face2face meetings also have to do what is needed in these troubled days. And that means limiting human contact, meaning that yes some houses have closed down the doors for the time being. No visits, no direct contact, just keeping an eye on their members in other ways. Be it through phone contact, video contact or other ways. There are ways to be active and social in these times. Even if it doesn’t happens face 2 face.

Donors and Feeding

The big issue that rises is getting food. And I don’t mean food you might be able to buy in a super market. But blood or life energy. Finding and keeping blood donors is hard enough in normal times. BUT right now travel is forbidden or limited. And the health of your donor is now also possibly under attack by traveling during Covid. We are in some dire troubles.
Of course there are alternatives to stake the hunger for a while. But lets hope that this situation doesn’t lasts too long.
And psychic vampires need to feed too, and for them the ethics of feeding rises. During these days everybody requires enough energy to fight off diseases. More than ever. And as travel slows down so do the changes to feed. A train station that only have 1/10th of the people will be a much smaller meal then a full train station. Without bars to go to, dance halls, and other places getting energy will be inevitable harder. Where possible psychic vampires should try to lower the energy burn rate by doing less.
Finding food will be hard for many of us. And we might have to dig deep into the alternatives many of us have build up. But not all are as lucky. We don’t know how long this will last so we can’t really plan for it either.
And as we all know, running out of “coffee” will make a lot of us more crabby and unstable. But we need to be smart about this. As good as we can.

How can we help each other

One important thing our community can do is to spread the information. The right information! Information that can save lives. That make sure we make the right choices. And most important that we don’t panic. We need to stay into contact and keep an eye on each other.
And our community is already sharing useful knowledge, how to make your own hand soap with basic materials. How to recognize different diseases, what you need to have in the house and more. Again, don’t panic but be smart and ready where possible.
Yes the vampire community is one of cats, and cat fights are very common within it. But right now we need to help each other out.
So keep in contact, and lets fight this situation. We will survive!

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Covid and Ethical Feeding for Psy Vampires and Hybrids

Covid and Ethical Feeding
Author: Masticina Akicta

Date: 29 March 2020

Hard Times

When hard times are upon you, and your choice of food is little you do with what you can get. And psy vampires are not just bound to human energy, though it certainly is the nicest option. It has the right frequency and taste, like a juicy steak. Compared to a vegan meal. [Note: Vegan meals can be delicious, but see feeding from trees/nature as early vega burgers, yuck.]
The difference is that the energy has a different frequency and you’ll feel less full-filled. Like drinking water instead of a nice tall glass of beer. You need to transmute the energy to something fitting life energy and it is the vegan option, so it never is as good!
Yet, in these hard times we are in it might be the best solution.
And I mean it, with all of us stuck at home, what else? Even if your donor lives in the same house, they will just as much need that energy to stay healthy in a dire time like this.
Covid19 really got us all down, be it donor, vampires or anybody else. Everybody will require their energy just to fight off this disease.
To add to it, there is no public travel.  Neither are bars open, discos, gyms, churches and schools. And whatever is open is due to the limitation of foot traffic very low on thrown away/wasted energy. In short, the main resources for psy vampires that try to feed ethical are running very thin. Many of us all now stuck in our own little bubble, and any vampire will get hungry. That never ends.

Ethical Feeding

The thing is that if you right now take energy of people who require is to stay healthy and safe. You are endangering them. And I can’t stop anybody from doing that but if possible try more ethical ways. Even if it means going vegan for a while. And I know as Psy vampire just how much it will suck, pardon that expression. Because I rather wouldn’t either. My preferred choice stays human frequency energy in thick layers found in public places. That is in my eyes already a pretty ethical way going at it without requiring a willing donor. But than this happens and those places hardly have enough energy to run the non-energizer bunny. And the need to feed remains, so what are you going to do?

Going Vegan

No matter its weak taste and feel the earth energy carries a lot of life energy. Just in another frequency without the punch that human life energy seems to have. There is still energy around us we can feed on, if not slower and needing a bit of work. I know that many of us are used to the rich steak like frequency and consistency of human life energy. So rich, so delightful, so tasty. But sometimes you have to do with less.

Earths Gift

Earths energy is slow, very slow, so slow that is easily can be used as grounding to get rid of energy. So how do you draw higher frequency life energy out of it to feed from? You have to treat the energy. You could go outside, if allowed, and sit in a park, again if allowed, for a few hours. Slowly drawing in the energy and taking little nibbles. Earths energy is clean in most situations so little filtering is required. But with its low frequency it can take quite a while.
When trained a good public area feeding in the good times and locations can be done in mere minutes. And give you that lovely rush. Feeding from earth will be a lot slower, and you’ll miss the taste.
Transmutation is your option, drawing the energy close to you and raising [at the cost of some energy] the frequency to something more palatable. Much like you can turn grape juice into wine. A bit of treatment and it gets a lot more fun. It still will be a slow process though, yet it should keep that hunger from rising up to quickly. It can take many weeks maybe months before our feeding grounds are normal again. The safe second option might be what is left to us. We can survive on it, not sure if we can thrive on it though.

Turning Economic Mode On

This is just a theory, but after many years of improving energy flows and methodology. Pushing how long one can last with energy I do have the idea that there are ways to extend how long one can last with a limited amount of energy.
Like a car can get an economical tune to give it more Miles Per Gallon.
Now, this is not possible for everybody, first of all years of working on energy improvements and adjustments is not something one can be taught within just a few weeks.
Second it depend on the situation, if you are stuck with kids, work issues, have to take care of people and so on it is obvious you’ll require more energy to burn. But I am certain that many energy vampires already can handle energy better compared to when they were just awoken.
Finding out if there is any leakage, what costs a lot of energy and how you can make the needed changes/adjustments can buy you time. Again, life can be tough and you can’t have many options.

Final Notes

I wish I still could go to public areas and feed. But with how little there is left there hardly is reason to even start. Not to mention, social distancing, and the chance to get Covid whenever you go out. It isn’t worth it.
I don’t have all answers but I have hope. That with some adjustments we will make it through. Just as we make it through the uncertain times, being stuck at home and mentally staying sane.
I just hope that this article can bring you ideas and insight.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Who are you within the vampire community

Who are you within the community

Author: Masticina Akicta
Date: 23 February 2020

Different Roles within the community

People are different, they are good and bad in different things and hence float to different things within our community. Nobody is good at everything and not everyone even decided it was there role but ended up with it. You’ll meet a lot of different types of people within the community, from those that are very active to those that show up to offer their insight only on certain matters. 
We are a clan a cats, we don’t always agree. Actually we don’t agree a lot. But we all have our strengths and weaknesses.

The Leader

The leader, either by desire or just pushed into the seat is a person people look up to. Being active within the community and in connection with others. Their job is to keep the community from falling apart. And within a clan of cats, that is quite a job. They obviously need to have the charisma and the ideas that pull others in. Not everybody is born to be a leader. But may will join in a cause once a leader has shown up. 

The Media Supporters

The media supporters are the vampires well known by the media. They are not always leaders themselves and their viewpoints might not always be liked. But the Media knows when and where to find them if needed. And yes more and more vampires are showing up in the Media. And no not all wear fangs, white make-up and red lenses. Some are very like anybody else in how they present themselves. There have been a few pieces that are very mundane to read. Not offering maybe the juicyness the Media at times desires.


Our community wouldn’t have gotten far without the influence writers had, good or bad. Not only did the fictional vampire books draw attention to our communities but much more important the writers that wrote guides for psychic vampires and sang’s. A few books are even written from outside but with respect to our community and members. And of course some less respectful.
These non fictional books offer great guides for young vampires to deal with the first hurdles and many are great to show the outside world about our lives and communities. 


The teachers job is to make sure the students safely understand the basics and improve how they do things. Helping their chances to make life for themselves and others a lot better. There are certain basics that with the right training a young vampire learns much quicker and much safer. 
For instance how to safely get blood from a donor and how to store it safely. How to deal with psychic vampirism, sensitivities to sunlight and that gnawing hunger inside. And the oddities many of us end up with. 
And of course donor aftercare. All these things need to be taught. 


A student has found the community, the books and hopefully a group willing to teach them. And hopefully can learn the teachings of safety, ethics and respect. All of us have been here and it is our job to aid those who are here are the moment.
Depending on the type of vampire a student will need different information and support.  


The researchers can both be outsiders and insiders. From the outside they tend to be psychology or sociology students/professors that want insight in our world. And within the measure of safety and respect are given.
From the inside there are projects that help our members on the long term. From statistical research showing just how normal we are as a group and what needs might follow. From research and questionairies to what the community should offer its members. Down to research in how to keep blood fresher long for sanguinary vampires.
In short a lot of hard work is done to make sure our community improves and gets a lot smarter. 


The humble or not so humble visitor. Not a vampire nor an outsider probing into our community for research reasons or Media Support.
But a visitor, that finds vampires really interesting and wants to learn more. Many come in, ask a few questions, and walk out. There are always visitors in the public groups. Always! Some are trolls and others become strong allies or at least have respect for the time and energy we spend offering insight.

Mental Support Providers

Though true mental support should be done by local organizations. A lot of vampires who have need to talk about things find the public community rather harsh. For them more semi private groups exist that offer a listening non-judging ear. Lead by those who have insight in mental issues.
I repeat, true mental support should come locally by professionals. But these Mental Support Providers are there to offer members of our society a step in between of being part of the Greater Vampire Community in a safer surrounding. And a step to getting professional help outside out community when and where needed. The mental support people have a deeper understanding of the issues, many times not directly connected to vampirism, that need specific ways to deal with. 

Technical Support

Where would we be without our websites, forums, discord servers and more. A lot less organized. Many of the groups employ someone not directly connected to the vampire community. You got a technical problem, ask ahead. Don’t come to them to complain about inter-vampire politics.
They earn a place here since they are the unsung heroes of keeping the technical side of our communities afloat.
So be nice to your webmaster, discord admin or the ones running the groups. Many times it can be a troubling job trying to fix whatever is broken again. And many of the leaders do not have the skills required for such. 

Multiple Roles

Many of us are more then one thing. So obviously we take multiple roles. Some of are both Researchers and Teachers, or Writers and Teachers. Or do Media Support and write. Many are overlapping. We grow and change, and find ourselves in different seats. The thing is, all of us have things to offer to the community. 


Co-operation is the key to success. Since none of us is everything on the list we need each other for our own specialties. And hence we need to work together. 
When multiple people gather together, it is inevitable that we pick the roles that fit us the best if we are allowed. Like anywhere else it is a lot of tiny gears spinning that make things work. And there is nothing wrong with knowing just what gear you are and just how you offer support to the community and its people.